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No sign of future mole activity today as I prepare for the HDC Housing Committee and finished off amending the FOCUS ready for layout and printing. Then to Huntingdon for the ‘new members’ District Council seminar given by the Chief Executive and Officers, back to take Debbie horse-riding and then off to the Little Paxton Parish Council meeting. All fifty shift workers from the German coal mine explosion have died and Reagan flies home via London after the arms talks
A poor night, my mind being full of political, history and personal thoughts and wondering whether I would catch any more moles, would you believe! I was also a mite warm and all these influences meant that I was not to sleep until about 3.00am. Woke up feeling reasonable and came down to breakfast, with croissants as our fare for the meal. Upstairs to wash and shave, leaving a shower and change for my later appointments to come. Out after to feed the doves and review my mole traps, but no sign of mole activity at all. No catches, but no mounds either and perhaps my lawn mowing may have frightened them away with the attendant vibration it causes. The mail arrived, and I read the papers for the forthcoming HDC Housing Committee meeting, for which I will again be in attendance. This took quite a time and after I again went out (this time to tend the ducks) and there were no signs of moles then either. Inside to start work and read some more papers and I still had to catch up on yesterday’s journal, before I could finish off amending the FOCUS ready for layout and printing.
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Flush from the success of killing my first mole, I was buying others and then taking and making calls on council business, with grass-cutting and dog-fouling high on the list, which Michael Pope and I then featured on our post-election FOCUS leaflet which John Mathhewman prints for us. A visit to Nigel and Lynne chance to play with my god-children Ashley and Late and a chat with them about their factory/warehouse extension there. At the Reagan/Gorbachev Moscow Summit They signed the previously agreed INF agreement but no agreement on long range weapons yet. Paddy Ashdown and Alan Beith have declared themselves candidates for the new SLD Party leadership election
Slept well enough, despite a slightly late bedtime yesterday, and then made breakfast later than the others – wheat flakes as normal. Out to tend my ducks and doves and I found my calliper-type mole trap sprung and my first victim within it – which was a rewarding outcome for my first effort. As Diana was going shopping anyway, I briefed her on getting a second mole trap from Jordon & Addington’s Garden Centre and giving them the good news of my success. Back to the office, where I scanned the paper and then made a couple of telephone calls to make appointments with Samuel Jones and then the Estates Officer of HDC. Sometime after to continue my local history writings and my task was to read the Riversfield House Clerk of Works records and update my chapter with details of the building works. Soon lunch and, before that, a chance to go out and set my second mole trap in high expectation of success. This afternoon I got a telephone call from a lady (Chairman of the Mums and Tots Club) and was able to brief her about the possibility of measures to deal with dog fouling. Worked on until 2.00pm when Mike Pope arrived, and we went through the copy for our newsletter together and traded suggestions. It should be quite good! We carried on talking until after 3.30pm, when I had to go and see Cllr Martin Mawer about the Parish Council’s role in cutting the local grassed areas and what he felt about the District Council’s performance in only cutting the grass every 18 days.