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After an upset with Di, and her sleeping in the spare room, I was awake to morning tea but then found the family had left without me and so I made my own meal, did my chores and then completed Christmas shopping in St Neots on my own. A new folder for the boat which I then re-organised to be very impressive
I was tired last night and then I had a row with Diana when I went to bed, her being ‘too tired and the time too late’ for us and so she slept in the spare bedroom. I was awake to morning tea at 8am and, when I had showered wash my hair, shaved and dressed for breakfast by 9am, all the family had gone out which upset me. After I had eaten and tended the doves, I went out to St Neots myself and did some last-minute Christmas shopping. Whilst I was walking around Shaws Market, I met a number of people that I knew, including dear Ollie of Southoe who had been having housing problems with the District Council that I had been trying to help him with.
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After a quiet and comfortable night at our Heronshaw moorings, the boys and I worked to clean off and stow the large dinghy, lay a power line to the new boat dock and then buy some chandlery in Wroxham for the new boat, to leave it safely protected from frost. Home for dinner and to report on our new acquisition. The situations in Romania and Panama are dangerous and uncertain
We slept wonderfully soundly in the quiet and sheltered moorings of Heronshaw. It really is a very quiet and charming place with little to disturb anyone. It was nearly 9am before I awoke and put the heating on and well towards 9:30am before the party was up, showered and dressed. I made the breakfast of toast and cereal with tea and drink and the boys did the washing up before the workday started. Being so close to the shortest day, there was little daylight, but we achieved quite a lot considering all of this. We started by cleaning off the large dinghy and putting it in the boat shed, trimming back the largest branch of the willow tree and then laying a shoreline of electricity from the boathouse to the Rolyat Princess under the ground to terminate by the boat dock.
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On board the Rolyat Princess for a very stormy night, then crossing Breydon Water and safely under the Bure Bridges which we cleared easily even though the water was abnormally high and then to moor in Yarmouth for some shopping. Eventually we arrived at Horning and put the boat directly into Heronshaw wet dock.
Although much of Horning was presently under flood water, we had no trouble. After we took a taxi to collect the Range Rover, I took the boys into Norwich to see the film ‘Back to the Future II’ which we thoroughly enjoyed.
The news today was still full of the US invasion of Panama and, although the US troops are in control of all the bases, they have not caught General Noriega. The weather was continuing windy and wet, but we were all right.
On the shortest day of the year, we found ourselves on board our new boat, the Rolyat Princess. We got up early this morning to cruise on after a very stormy night. I was up and down checking our fenders as the wind kept banging the boat against the Reedham quay heading. We made breakfast of cereal after our morning drinks etc. Soon we were setting off with the ebb tide to cross the Breydon Water. We commissioned the radar as we went so that we could use it to safely and effectively cross this open expanse of water. The Foruno radar was quite effective. We approach the Yarmouth Bure bridges at just the right state of tide and cleared them easily with radar and windows down, even though the water was abnormally high. We moored up at the Great Yarmouth Yacht Station and went shopping in the shopping centre. I got some keys copied of the boat which will be a godsend if we lose them.
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I set off in a fully-loaded Range Rover with Daniel and Gary to collect our new boat from Brundall, stopping off at Mum’s in Stanton on the way. Eventually getting the release of the vessel we cruise down to Reedham for the night as the rain poured down. The US mount an abortive attempt to seize President Noriega of Panama
I was awake quite early and got ready for breakfast with the others. Soon we had loaded up the rest of the gear into the Range Rover and I set off with Daniel and Gary Skinner. The car was literally fully-loaded and we could not have taken a single thing more, even if we had wanted to. It took us an hour to get to Mum’s house in Stanton by which time the rain was bucketing down. We found Mum well and we spent just under an hour there, chatting to her and exchanging administration details etc.
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