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A quick recovery from my late night, working this morning on the indexing of my book and backing up my work on diskettes, but ending up clear on how to proceed
After only going to bed at 5am, I slept in until 8.30am and then use the time until 9am to get washed and dressed after breakfast. I worked on this morning and the rest of the day working out how to conduct the indexing of the book. I also took until lunch to do an effective backup of the files which was very important as well. Di went to get me some more stationary and diskettes that I needed. I had plenty of trouble with the system over the indexing technology but, by the end of the day, I had worked out what to do – even if I had hardly started the job.

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A hectic day and night working until 5am chasing my favoured printers for final book publishing quotations and then accepting an arrangement for production by April 20th, in time for my public talks.
Today was hectic, as I worked on the final copy for my book. I was chasing the three favoured printers to get their quotations in and making calls back and forth. In the end, I managed to get Butler and Tanner (the lowest-bidder, Somerset company) to agree a schedule for production by the 20th April which means that I could possibly make the Annual Parish Meeting and Women’s Institute talk have copies for sale as well. I spent much of the day sorting out the photographs and artwork. I had to stick each copy of the plates on individual sheets and then collate the whole. Worse still, was the artwork and layout for the coloured jacket I sweated until 5am in the morning but came out with a very good design.

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A busy day, making contact with the printers for their latest price and delivery quotations for the book and completing the illustration list. Also Working on Percy Meyer’s first election address for next Monday’s deadline and winning a battle for retaining a vital restrictive covenant for local residents as I heard that Desmond Merrill will stand in Gransden for us. The eventual publication of the 1985 Manchester air crash report, the examination of Ulster Unionist police officers for a shoot to kill attack, a Tory MPs use of a prostitute as assistant and South African President Botha refuses to stand down after a heart attack
I had a sound night’s sleep but still felt groggy this morning as if I had got jetlag. I was soon down to breakfast with only Della the company and then got into the conservatory to feed the fish. I still have doubts over the condition of the Ohgon, but its behaviour is very active. My first office job today was to telephone the three shortlisted printers and ask for their updated price and delivery quotations for my book. Two came back to me and it seems that I can have it done by the end of April; and, at a pinch, by April the 20th, the day of the Parish AGM. The price is not too bad either. Next, the election literature again, starting with Percy Meyer’s first election address which I managed to complete by the end of the morning. I also arranged that I would bypass the main bottleneck for getting our artwork to the printers (John Mathewman is going to the US for a week) and so my copy dates are now next Monday, which is a relief. This afternoon, I worked on the Illustration List for my book and just about completed it before it was time to go to this evening’s District Council meeting.
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I took the family over to see my Dad in hospital at Addenbrookes this afternoon and we pray his cancer will have been arrested. Then to start work on my County Council election campaign this evening.
I laid in an hour until nearly 8am this morning, but still had very little sleep. I was pleased, however, that I had made so much progress the night before. First thing this morning, I sorted out my office and then made a start on my election work. After lunch I took the family over to see my Dad, Fred Broad, in hospital at Addenbrookes.
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