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Daniel awoke with ear ache and partial deafness this morning and we had to organise a visit for him to the doctor, I hosted a meeting of the SLD activists to get information ready for the election campaign and Stephen Field came again and inoculated my Hariwake Ohgon for the last time and it should be back amongst the others tomorrow. Stories of mass redundancies in the news today; 1,400 from British Coal and 900 more from Courtaulds and The Democrats offer of electoral cooperation in by-elections with the SDP is supported by a majority of both party members which puts yet more pressure on Dr David Owen.
I was very late to bed again last night but did not need to lay in this morning as I woke up on my own in time for breakfast with the family but then we encountered a few problems. Daniel had an ear ache and partial deafness this morning and we had to organise a visit for him to the doctor whilst also doing the other things that we planned. I had a session before and after lunch on my book section on the Little Paxton Cricket Team and County Cricket Bat factory; with another day’s work and I should then manage to finish it off. After tea, I hosted a meeting of the SLD activists to get information ready for the election campaign and it was a successful evening.
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My fish continued its recovery on a busy day where this morning’s work was disrupted by visitors, the most significant of which was Percy bringing news of a Gransden Ward District by-election being called, which we then made plans to fight. I still managed to complete my Pre-War History section of the book and attend two Council meetings today. I have been offered a Buckden School Governorship but not a Paxton one, the UK turns down talks with Iran and soya-based milk for babies has been found to contain 100 times more aluminium than breastmilk
After a very late bedtime (retiring after midnight), I slept well and laid in until 7:30am, which seem to suit me fine. I had a fair session draining and refilling my isolation tank and was pleased to note that the casualty is continuing its recovery. I toyed with the idea of returning it to the pond as it had stopped exuding pus, but I decided to wait until its surface sore healed up as the pond fish are so active that they will pursue it if it is put back. The morning’s work session was disturbed by the arrival of a lady from Priory Ward, whom I helped with information and advice on her dog-fouling problem. Then Percy Meyer dropped by and we talked about an important development as the sitting District Councillor for Gransden is dropping out, leaving a District by-election as well as the County Council elections in May. Now we hope to find a good candidate to try to beat the Tory and get me a Democrat colleague on the District Council.
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My Ohgon carp was a little better and had resumed feeding as I resumed working on my History of Little Paxton section on the Pre-war period and made progress despite a computer error. January’s British trade deficit is £1.7 billion in the red but the stock exchange advances despite this news and three people have died as a car pursued by police collides with another. The disgraced Olympic sprinter, Ben Johnston, has been reported as taking body-building steroids for eight years
The beginning of a new month but, for me, the routine was the same on another cold day with some strong sunshine. I first made my morning fish inspection and water change for my casualty – who ate three pellets and looks to be on the mend now. Then a day working on my history; the middle section of the long chapter on Pre-war Little Paxton. It is going very well but also very slowly. It was progressing even slower due to me suffering a computer systems error, which took from 3pm until 7pm this afternoon to recover!
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