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After completing Des Merrill’s election addresses and visiting him, he was pleased and will now stand for the Democrats. Then the whole day and night completing the indexing section of my Little Paxton History book.
I worked on Des Merrill’s election addresses this morning and then went over to show him the copy and discussed it. He was pleased and is now committed to standing for us. I think he has a very good chance of winning. After this, I resumed working on my index and spent the whole day and most of the night completed the index at 5:30am this morning. My back and tummy were aching from so much sitting. The task was to go through the entire text, marking the items and electronically indexing. By this time, I had reached near exhaustion and still managed three hours of sleep before getting up at 8:30am

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After arranging to see Des Merrill this morning with colleagues to review his election address, Diana dropped Debbie off at the riding school so that I could carry on indexing the book such that I got about halfway through the project.
I had arranged to see Des Merrill to come round later this morning to meet me Percy and Michael to review the copy of his election address. I worked on my indexing of the history book before this meeting and got Diana to drop Debbie off at the riding school to let me get on. I carried on indexing until late and got about halfway through this difficult part of the project with 480 pages of the book and hundreds of index entry items

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I was struggling with the difficult task of indexing my little and book, though the progress I made seemed to indicate that it could be finished this weekend. This afternoon Percy and Michael came round and we did some more election copy as I missed the Democrat meeting but planned to see Desmond Merrill tomorrow
The weather turned cold today, and I had trouble this morning as I ran out of capacity in the computer to do all of the indexing of the book all in one go. The Paxton Park chapter very nearly could not be indexed in one go either. It took me most of the day to index 165 pages, but this meant that I should be able to finish the index this weekend. Percy and Michael came over this afternoon and we did some more election copy. I ducked out of the Democrat meeting this evening and carried on indexing but I’m due to see Desmond Merrill tomorrow morning and do the rest of the election leaflets.

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A day working on the manuscript for my book prior to its collection by the printer’s representative and then carrying on working on the indexing section whilst supervising Debbie horse-riding and jumping superbly on Sundance
Today was another hectic and fraught day as I was working away on getting the copy ready for my book. I decided that the quality of my print had changed over the many chapters (having been done at various times) and so I printed out a complete new copy this at this morning (diagrams and all!). At least this gave me a spare copy of the manuscript for queries and completing the indexing, as are now started this difficult task. It was a tough learning curve with little time to complete it. The representative of the printer called this afternoon for the rest of the copy and thought that it was satisfactory. Then I had to go to Offord via Kimbolton and see to Debbie’s horse-riding. She is getting on very well now and jumping superbly on Sundance. Then home and worked on my indexing with mixed results until late.