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Working to remove the mud from the lawns as Steve helped Dave put up long beams that spanned the boatshed as Alan was away today. After Steve helped me finish moving the mud, I paid off my helpers and then started the long journey home
I was nearing the end of a tiring week and still had a large section of mud to lift off of the lawn and we were to be without the assistance of Alan Gidding away working at Wroxham Barns. Steve helped David put up the long beam section atop the posts but the two of them had forgotten the cantilever of the roof forward and I had to put them straight. They also completed a section of the wall plate and finished by carrying the large beams up that span the boatshed the final effect of which was quite dramatic.
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Another day working at Heronshaw chasing Jewson’s for timber, Stalham Joinery for doors and windows and going to purchase electrical supplies for the electrician to start the following Monday.
Hosting Arthur Edmunds for driveway raising and liaising with the building inspector. Steven helped Dave erect four more of the posts and put in a couple more rows of noggins into the studding
Another day working at Heronshaw, and it was much warmer and brighter today as well. There were four of us working and so Steven helped Dave erect four more of the posts and put in a couple more rows of noggins into the studding whilst Alan Gidding went round tightening all of the bolts and painting the ends with Hammerite to protect them for the future. He had welded the last four of the metal ties last night and so they were also used to secure the tie beams into position. I had gone and got the square plated washers for them to complete the task and taken the same opportunity to buy Steven and I crab salad for lunch and fillet steak and sausages for Steve to barbecue for dinner.
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A less active but equally tiring day ordering and planning materials for my Harnser boathouse construction, trying to schedule all of the items that we needed at the right price and then sequencing their arrival. Steven worked with the builders as I organised, and I treated him to fish and chips and a river trip later.
After all of my physical effort yesterday, I settled for a day at the telephone and notepad today planning the rest of the job and materials. In many ways I found this even more tiring and ended the day quite shattered. It was a tense job trying to schedule all of the materials that we needed at the right price and then sequencing their arrival. Also, being new to the task of fire-proofing and insulating a building there was a lot to understand and put into practice. I just about had it all sorted by the end of the day so that I had prices and plans in place.
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More stud-work and posts erected on a much brighter day but little sun and ideal for working as my groundwork progresses with much gravel and mud-shifting. I erected fences and the site is transformed.
We have been intrigued by the wildlife, with the workers feeding the moorhens and a tame vole fascinating Della but the wood wasps terrify Dave the carpenter.
Jack the Eel catcher called by on his punt to retrieve the carpenters hammer from the boat-dyke with his long metal rake.
Another early morning, rising at 6.00am and managing a little of my journal before going out in good time to greet the builders. I continued the gravel and mud shifting today, completing the section in front of the garage and also that right next to the new boat-shed. I propped a couple of fence panels between Heronshaw and the garage to block the view to the lower land behind it and the effect was quite dramatic with the fact of our raising the land now being completely hidden. The builders erected the rest of the posts in the enclosed area and then more of the stud walls, forming actual openings for the doors and windows. The new building is very definitely starting to take shape.
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