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I completed more Harnser work on a dry, warm and somewhat humid day, creosoting the dog kennel after taking Sam for a walk where he sprung pheasants and a roe deer and then making the journey home via Norwich to buy cartridges for shooting in Scotland.
The bad news was of Daniel crashing my dad's car; a lorry being the other vehicle involved, but at least the damage did not prevent its use.
The negotiations in Serbia drag on with no result, despite David Owen's optimism. The Police Superintendents Association conference gives a frosty reception to the Home Secretary in view of his planned "reforms"
I had chosen to drive back today but first I had some more work to do at Harnser. Even before that, I had to walk and feed Sam and I chose to take him across the road to the stubble field to do some quartering practice. I first kept him away from some pheasants but then he found a roe doe laying under a field oak tree and chased it down the hill and did not give up until it had gone into cover of some bean set-aside land. He also connected with the pheasants there as well and so my aim of keeping him away from chasing game came to nought.
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Another full working day clearing weeds, applying weedkiller before varnishing and teak-oiling the boat accessories and chatting to Doris and Jack before taking the newly-refurbished trailer to empty it at the rubbish tip.
Some paving slabs laid to secure the dog enclosure and a relaxing bath before late to bed.
The weather stayed mild and was dry for the day so that I could get on. I heard from Diana who told me that yesterday was wet all day in Paxton so that at least I was in the right place. I was awake at 6.30am and then up before the dog awoke for once. I kept his walk to a manageable length and then got down to work, weeding the side passage and then applying the Sodium Chlorate weedkiller in strong solution to stop regrowth again for a while.
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Another working day in Horning adjusting the gate and renovating the Paxton Princess gunwale after walking my impatient dog on a day that had become quite warm and humid but the overnight showers had held off during the day.
Picking up some cash, seasfood, building materials and boat parts and then catching up with chores.
Poor John Major was again having to try to quash stories of a party leadership challenge whilst trying to conduct trade talks in Japan.
I was awoken by the dog again, who does not understand why a day's activity should be delayed merely on account of a changed location. Out to walk him and then to feed him on our return which is our latest routine. Only after all that, could I eat! I then spent some time listing my priorities and the things that I needed to buy later and then got out to tackle the two garden gates that needed adjustment. I had to remove the reversible hand gate in the dog fence and take off half of a centimetre of width before that fitted but, by tightening the upper pivot bolt and greasing the lower bolt hole, I was able to get the vehicle access gate back into service without too much trouble.
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An early start to take the dog out for a walk along Crabbett's Marsh sawdust road which was very boggy after the rain. Then off to the Pleasurebeach buying the girls their arm-bands as Di and I walked to the seafront and then to Winterton before family leaves for home.
John Major was struggling with his backbenchers about Vat on fuel and heavy fighting in Bosnia delays the latest cease-fire and peace talks.
The Australian Prime Minister misbehaved when meeting The Queen at Balmoral today but still received the assurance that Her Majesty would act on any decision by the Australian people to form a republic
We were blessed with fine and sunny weather today for our time by the seaside and we all woke up around 7.30am with Sam. I got up first, shaved and then took the dog out for a walk along Crabbett's Marsh sawdust road which was very boggy as a result of the recent rain. Breakfast and then all in the Discovery for the trip to Yarmouth. We drove all the way there and had coffee in the Pleasurebeach cafe before buying the girls their arm-bands and then left them there and walked along the seafront to the harbour at Gorleston. There was a fresh south-easterly breeze and, being mostly against tide, it formed a moderate sea and made the harbour entrance very dodgy.
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