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Back to my mentally exhausting grinding office work with periods of relief training Sam but frustration with Daniel who was being a trial and distraction so I was pleased that I helped to get him his first job programming.
Freda telephoned today and discussed her plans for selling Redgrave Stores with which I was very pleased.
I slept very soundly last night and was pleased to be back in my own bed with proper linen rather than in a sleeping bag. Diana fared much worse as she always finds our bed uncomfortable and complained even more than usual about my snoring. A return to an early breakfast in preparation for the girls' return to school in mid-week and so I took Sam out afterwards. I had watched my dog-training video last night and tried some of the techniques out today. I made some progress, his retrieves being the strongest point, but he is more active and fidgety than his breed companions in the film.
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Much apprehension for Sam's Training Day as I prepared thoroughly but he performed well in the end.
The same for Nigel as he suspects the worse outcome in his fraud case and was putting his affairs in order and cannot think about shooting activities.
However, we discuss Cambridge Street and he offers Daniel a work experience place. Later a visit from Charles & Norma Jackson
I had missed the previous month's training day for Sam and so was rather apprehensive about how he was going to perform today. On his morning walk he was at first rather disobedient and chased after another dog on St Neots Common and this was not a very good start. Back for my usual cereal breakfast (fried meals are out of the question with Diana) and then over to see Nigel this morning. I was still wondering about the cancellation of our joint shooting and whether we could go earlier or later instead but I found him very concerned about his fraud case.
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Chilly as summer ended and autumn arrived there was the sound of duck shooting in Crabbett’s Marsh before we packed up and left Horning to Paxton to meet Daniel.
This after a meal at The Horning Tea Shoppe and time cutting back the vegetation in Rope Hill Dyke lane.
Then time to update my journal and my latest action list before it was time for a bath and to retire to my own bed for a change
It was cold overnight and then chilly all day as we should come to expect now that summer had ended and autumn arrived. Diana and Sam were the first awake and then I went down to join them. I took a shorter walk this morning around Crabbett's Marsh, brushing up on training points and exposing Sam to the gunfire around the small pond and getting him to drop to shot. I was to meet the three guns after, and Sam their two Labradors, and saw that they had killed around ten mallard between them. It was a useful experience but made me feel that I should be out shooting myself with him, even though he is still a bit young.
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A long walk with Sam to settle him down as he flushed a pheasant and then off for a Norwich Day, leaving him behind.
I was reading the epic tale by Cyril Jolly of Cromer RNLI Coxwain Henry Blogg's service to the "English Trader" during the war.
Back in time for me to take the girls to Cinema City to see the film "Toys". The news all full of terrorist atrocities in Northern Ireland,
It had been raining overnight again but had cleared up by the time I had woken. We had laid in again - this time until well after 7.30am - and I was the first to stir as I had become tangled up and uncomfortable in my sleeping bag. Sam was patient enough until after 8.00am and I was out with him soon after. He had been more active of late and anxious, I thought, for more food. The extra ration has given him the runs as ever and so I will have to reduce it again. I took him up the lane, across the fields and back via the village for supplies but I allowed him a good run round the field, and he put up a pheasant that had been calling earlier.
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