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Our journey from Paxton to Horning for a family weekend once Debbie was home from Saturday morning school and I was packed and ready to go. T
o Harnser as a welcome and hospitable sight as Diana gave the girls tea before we set off for a nice meal at Wroxham Bridge Restaurant and walk around the waterfront afterwards.
John Major is presiding over a divided and bickering party as parliament returns and his summer's respite from controversy was short-lived
I had persuaded Diana to join me and the girls for the weekend in Norfolk, but first Debbie had to go to school for the morning. I was a little slow out with Sam but gave him a good and energetic run and then came back to do my chores before packing up to leave. The swimming pool was starting to come round after a season of neglect but there was still a long way to go yet. I then sat Sam down on a blanket and loaded up the car. He is good to obey this command but must be told to stay there occasionally due to his puppyish boredom. Daniel awoke belatedly and washed Diana's car at the last minute to earn £5 and then, once Debbie came home, we all set off.
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A sunny day as a change from the recent cold and wet weather for some garage tidying and window cleaning as I was working at home before the evening Jacksons visit.
The small girl, Laura Davies, sent to America for a transplant has had to have another huge operation as the first one failed
A break from the recent cold and wet weather as we saw the sun out today and could get out and about. After my exhausting morning chores and some telephone calls from Nigel, I went outside and sorted out the inner garage. I dropped the Reliant off of the jacks, hauled out the trailer and then put them back together after sweeping out the garage and tidying everything away. I am now ready for the return of the Rolls Royce when the Nottingham agent gets round to bringing it back.
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A cold and miserable day of work at home and some dog-training, teaching Sam multiple retrieves.
Diana had to collect Della from school early to see the doctor about an infection and Debbie needed collection so that she could go and help at Little Paxton school for her community service session.
The bad news today was of a fascist party victory in a local election in the Millwall Ward of Tower Hamlets which had the rival Labour Party and Liberal Democrats recriminating about racism.
The weather continued cold and miserable and all day there was fine rain in the air until it turned into a downpour by the evening. A couple of good walks with Sam, who can now mark and retrieve three dummies in any required order when thrown. I did not test his willingness to enter the river on such a miserable day. The girls were off to school in better time this morning after nearly missing the bus yesterday. Then Diana had to collect Della from school early to see the doctor about an infection and today it was Debbie that needed collection so that she could go and help at Little Paxton school for her community service session.
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Angry at an abortive shooting lesson in Thetford expected to be with Nigel on Statute Fair day, but more fun with my children and their friends.
During the day, I had adjusted some door catches and handles, paid some bills and watched European Football on TV until time to take the dog out again.
Up early and out with the dog, anticipating my trip with Nigel to Thetford for a shooting lesson but I was to be disappointed. First Nigel called twice whilst I was out with the dog and said that he could not come and then I found out that the instructor, for some unknown reason, was expecting us yesterday and so, not only did I not have a companion, but I could not go at all! I was not very amused and will consider finding somewhere else for my shooting practice as the whole experience put me right out. A brighter and milder day than of late but it still showered during the middle of it and then turned cold and nasty again in the evening, ready for our trip to The Kimbolton "Statty Fair".
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