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Better success training Sam today as the days got cooler and shorter. Mostly concentrating on an office day but playing snooker with Nigel later and arranging a shooting lesson and membership of a local sporting club
The nights are much cooler these days and the days shorter by far. Up early again so as to shower and have breakfast before taking Sam for a walk via the school bus-stop. The girls only just made their bus again and seem to be having trouble getting into their school routine. Diana off to Bedford to do some shopping today which left me at home. I did some paperwork and then went into St Neots to pay in some more cheques, withdraw some cash and then get some seafood with which to make some nice salad for my meal.
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Working at home today, settling Sam down as I worked in the garage fixing the swimming pool multi-port valve and bolting my mobile gun safe into the Discovery.
Diana lost a further two-and-a-half-pounds at slimming club but Daniel’s untidiness was an issue.
An exciting battle between Kasparov and Nigel Short for the World Chess Championship and the Middle East peace settlement edges ever closer
Not a day for a great deal of achievement as I spent much of it running round after others. Two good walks with Sam, avoiding game for the most part and getting him to lay down whilst I worked in the garage. He did chance upon one pheasant this evening but at close range and almost by accident when coming in and I also made him do some more long water retrieves. My main achievement today was to get the swimming pool multi-port valve properly fixed and to bolt in the mobile gun safe into the Discovery. Now anybody breaking into the car would have to defeat the alarm and overide the ignition cut-out and then drive it off to use an oxyacetylene torch for cutting open the safe or pick the lock.
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On a damp morning, I walked the girls to the bus stop on their first day back to Kimbolton school.
Received some cheques to provide cash relief, had a disaster with Sam during dog training and watched England beat Poland 3-0 on televised World Cup qualifying football
We had rain overnight and that was to continue off on on this morning and again throughout the day. After the dry weather locally, now the ground is looking green once more. I was able to see the girls off to school at the bus stop on their first day back and they were fine for their first day even if Debbie was true to form in leaving something on the school bus! I was then delighted with the mail.
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On a cloudier and milder day, Daniel was up early and anticipating his first day at work and I was training Sam who found a a large covey of partridges in the field opposite.
I finished writing a dozen or more letters, paying bills and resolving various things as Diana went with Debbie, Della and some of their friends along to Wickstead Park.
This, before her and I later to the cinema this evening to see Clint Eastwood in the film "In the Line of Fire". horror stories in Croatia as Moslem prisoners and starved and abused just as in the Nazi concentration camps.
There was a distinct change of weather in the air today as the barometer started to drop, the wind backed to the east and the day was cloudier and milder. I was slow to get up after Diana had made us late to bed but I was not the only one as Debbie went straight back to sleep again. Daniel was up early and anticipating his first day at work and Diana had made him an attractive packed lunch to take. As my contribution, I gave him some letters to drop off with Nigel to save postage! The run with Sam before breakfast and then some time during the day and another run later.
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