Irelands played their last game in this World Cup Finals as I watched them lose 2-0 to the Holland team.
Irelands played their last game in this World Cup Finals as I watched them lose 2-0 to the Holland team.

With Sam to Molesworth first thing as the sun and heat continued and then to resolve aspects of the Cambridge Street occupation before resuming the Eynesbury campaigning.

Irelands played their last game in this World Cup Finals as I watched them lose 2-0 to the Holland team.

Again the sun and heat continued as I donned shorts for much of the day to cope with it. It started cooler at least and I used this chance to take Sam up to Molesworth in the car for a change of scenery.

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I find that he performs with all manner of retrieves when out in the open but the presence of game or woodland is a great distraction to him. I had to get him to accomplish the send-away in particular and to go out in a given line that I indicated for as far as I wanted without diving off to each side.

Once I had got the right idea on how to direct him, he soon picked it up and it was a successful session. As the morning developed, there were problems with the first tenancies at Cambridge Street and complaints about teething problems. I went over there with Nigel (as we were due to meet for a look round anyway) and I sorted out most of them.

More electioneering later and the campaign continues to go as well as could possibly be expected. Stayed in Eynesbury for the rest of the evening and was again back late after chatting to Wiggly for a long time. Della went to her last Brownies meeting this evening. It is a pity that she is going to give up but she wanted to stay Monday evenings at Kimbolton next term to join the drama group.

Rain interrupted England's progress in the third test against New Zealand but I did watch most of Irelands last game in this World Cup Finals and watched them lose 2-0 to the Holland team. Their adversaries were much better blessed with ball-playing skills and, after two defensive mistakes, there was no amount of Irish running in the heat and humidity that could make up for this.