I hosted a Town Council LibDem Group meeting
I hosted a Town Council LibDem Group meeting

As Diana drove to Cambridge shopping, I supervised Eynesbury canvassing and then hosted a Town Council LibDem Group meeting to tend a few fences electing Sheila Shorten as their new leader, and Sally as her deputy.

I opted to stay at home as Diana drove over to Cambridge for her normal Tuesday visit but there were no parents for her to see. Norma had driven down to Cornwall for a few days with Sue and Charles could not be persuaded to go in to see her.

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I worked on at home and then spent a little time in St Neots shopping with Di before I drove over to Luke Street to organise canvassing for the rest of the day. One afternoon helper put back his visit a day, but I had Andy Hamilton and Michael Pope out whilst I organised quite a lot of sessions for the evening.

Back for tea and then, paying Debbie to walk Sam again, I was over at Luke Street early to get all of the Town Councillors canvassing before their evening meeting was due to start. We did, in fact, manage to get quite a few of them out and quite a lot more of the ward canvassed.

Whilst they met at Luke Street, I sat in the back and keyed in the results from earlier and tried to help them get on well together by setting out the meeting table and chairs cosily and getting some drinks and peanuts.

They got on quite well; electing Sheila Shorten as their new leader, Sally as her deputy and Wiggly as Secretary. They then agreed a group policy towards a second St Neots Market Day, the arrangements for tendering for the new leisure centre and other potentially divisive matters before finding time for me to brief them on the latest statistics in the Eynesbury Town Council By-Election campaign where we had crept into a small lead after completing a 48% canvass.

until late before coming home and to bed. It seems that Wiggly is still going ahead with her house purchase and all the debts and financial commitments that go with it. I went out myself to do some canvassing in the evening and found the person organising a petition in demand of traffic calming in Sandfields Road, Eynesbury and put her in touch with Wiggly.