The sale of my Rolls Royce was completed today, and it was driven away.
The sale of my Rolls Royce was completed today, and it was driven away.

A long walk with Sam to start with, across the common and over to the river for some jumping, long retrieves and waterwork after which the sale of my Rolls Royce was completed today, and it was driven away.

Some agonising over Alf and Freda taking advantage of me concerning my loan but Diana persuaded me not to send the letter but to wait until the end of the summer.

Then Across to Luke Street later to sort out the next priorities for canvassing where Derek and our candidate had been out and Rob had also returned some cards. I stayed there and counselled her on financial issues.

The day was warm and sunny again and this made for tiring conditions after my late nights talking and working. A long walk with Sam to start with, across the common and over to the river for some jumping, long retrieves and waterwork.

**"Read More" BELOW for the complete story**

He performed quite well, and I must say that I am pleased with him. Lawrence Kayne then arrived and brought with him a banker’s draft for the balance of the car purchase money and I handed over the Corniche keys so as to see it for the last time.

Sometime then on paperwork and, in particular, on the letters to my sister. I have now completed all the transactions concerning our late mother's will and estate and was able to send Freda the balance of funds. I then worked long and hard on another letter putting to her the very unsatisfactory nature of her dealings with me in which she has made no efforts to repay my loan or its interest or give figures about the business in lieu.

Diana, myself and family feel that Alf and Freda are taking advantage of me. Even so, Diana persuaded me not to send the letter but to wait until the end of the summer. I had to break off to be at Luke Street for start of the afternoon canvas session when Andy and Michael were expected (although only Andy turned up). Quickly away to Kimbolton for our half-yearly dental appointment and bad news there.

Though my teeth and gums are cleaner, I must come back for a small filling the day after the election. Time for Sam again and then to rest at home for a while as I was tired. Did some work at home for the earlier part of the evening fielding all manner of telephone calls. I was annoyed because the salesman from the Exchange & Mart had evidently renewed my ad for two more weeks; not the one that I had requested and was thereby trying to get more commission and subject me to a barrage of abortive calls.

Across to Luke Street later where Derek and Wiggly had been out and Rob had also returned some cards. I stayed there and sorted out the next priorities for canvassing and then carried the completed cards off home to key in; avoiding spending too much time with Wiggly as I was getting too fond of her and could easily get into trouble if invited. She still called me later and gave me her considered response to the matters we had discussed last night.

Some financial advice taken, a positive decision that she would like to be groomed for parliamentary candidature and then ... oh yes ... "Would she stand a chance with Daniel?" I was somewhat startled by her frankness and suspected that Daniel was being used as a surrogate for her interest in me but talked to her for a while on the strength of it. To bed not quite so late.

The news elsewhere is of the hunt for the abducted baby after the supposed husband of the kidnapper, Gary, phoned anonymously to enquire how to give the baby up without blame.