Della's swimming and speech day without personal success but at least her house, Stafford, won the Work Shield for
Della's swimming and speech day without personal success but at least her house, Stafford, won the Work Shield for

Della's swimming and speech day without personal success but at least her house, Stafford, won the Work Shield for the best balance of "stars less bars" awarded for effort and she had the highest individual total that helped them do it.

Home to give Sam his second run of the day with much emphasis on ‘unseen retrieves’ and then a post canvassing chat with our candidate about her financial problems, political ambitions and personal goals before turning in.

Some parents have children who win sporting events, class and subject prizes and become House Captains and Head Girls & Boys, but we do not.

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I suppose we should get equal pleasure from sitting and applauding the efforts of other people's children but it does become difficult when your own never win. On this day of disappointment, I was also hoping for the completion of the Rolls Royce sale but, I think, that the time slots that I gave Lawrence Kayne were too restrictive so that he put off the matter until tomorrow.

At least the weather was fine, if cool and dull, as we made our way over and took our seats for the swimming sports. It was quite well organised and we did not have long to wait until Della took her place for a Middles Breast-stroke Race. She was a little slow off of the side but seemed to be coming back at the leader until fading with half a length to go to finish in fourth place.

At least she was in touch with the leaders and well ahead of the fifth girl. I left soon after this as Diana had arranged a picnic lunch with the other "Mums" and I was not welcome. There was no word from my buyer but I was able to attend to a few things before having to return for the Speech Day and Prize-giving. Nothing for Della but at least her house, Stafford, won the Work Shield for the best balance of "stars less bars" awarded for effort and she had the highest individual total that helped them do it.

This contribution went virtually unrecognised as she was just given a packet of "tic-tac" sweets by her house official in the playground! Home to give Sam his second run of the day. I have been concentrating on the "send-away" for unseen retrieves where he must take the direction from your command and go out in a straight line until you shout "Hi Lost" when he is in a position to seek the retrieve in the immediate vicinity.

Wiggly was due to go and work at The Eaton Oak tonight as a bar maid/waitress but, when I found out that it only paid £12 for the evening, finishing at 11.30pm, I was appalled and persuaded her to give it up and accept £60 for her property search fee instead.

In this way, she would not have to work during the campaign. After canvassing this evening, I went back with Wiggly for coffee and chatted to her about her financial problems, political ambitions and personal goals before turning in. At least I said that I could not help her with her social life, being married with commitments! I treat her more like a daughter or a niece and feel that too close a liaison would end in upset and spoil our working relationship. I always seem to want to take on other people's problems and advise them!