Managing to walk Sam and then using our strimmer to tidy around our lawns and clear the vegetation back from the road, I dodged the rain, cloud and cool weather at Heronshaw whilst the family enjoyed a trip to Pleasurewood Hills.
I had brought back a couple of pigeons for training and got Sam to do some retrieves with them during a short morning session.
I had left a note asking not to be disturbed this morning, but Diana and the girls had planned a trip to Pleasurewood Hills near Lowestoft and disturbed me when tidying up the sleeping room.
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The weather had turned from being very hot to being relatively quite cool as rain moved up East Anglia from across the channel. It was pouring first thing but then cleared up for the family to drive to Lowestoft. All this led to me starting slowly as more rain fell and then I got out with Sam when it cleared up.
I continued my exertions by using our strimmer to first tidy around our lawns and then to clear the vegetation back from the road along most of our maintained stretch. Exhausted from all this, I rested with a mug of tea and telephoned Wiggly to ask how the campaign was going.
Her computer data files seem incorrect which is a pity, but life goes on. I had brought back a couple of pigeons for training and got Sam to do some retrieves with them during a short morning session. Then, it being all right, I plucked and dressed one of them to roast for lunch and I ate it with some salad and enjoyed the meal.
The afternoon more restfully, updating these last couple of days' journal before cleaning my gun and then walking Sam before the family got back for tea. Roy Hedges from No 35 called by for a copy of my planning submission and we chatted a while. Doris Vincent is in residence but has an elderly couple as guests and seems to be out most of the time. The girls had enjoyed their outing which was the better for being cool and quiet as the school holidays had not started yet.