Cromer cinema visit to see the film "Policy Academy 7 - Mission to Moscow" which was rather silly but still enjoyable
Cromer cinema visit to see the film "Policy Academy 7 - Mission to Moscow" which was rather silly but still enjoyable

I seemed to suffer exhaustion today after me recent lack of sleep and heat exhaustion, dog walking and Norwich shopping and so we opted for a Cromer cinema visit to see the film "Policy Academy 7 - Mission to Moscow" which was rather silly but still enjoyable.

More research concerning Optometry for Debbie looked encouraging.

The weather continued cool again and I was quite cold first thing when I woke up with my bedclothes folded back. A bit of a lay in but then Debbie was marauding around trying to get in the bathroom for her 45-min. session so that I had to go to the toilet first.

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A slow start but then out with Sam for a training walk. I was tired and so we opted for another trip into Norwich again. In time for a late coffee and scone at Jarrold’s and then, after buying a book-mark for Debbie there, I took Della along to the library whilst Di and Debbie collected the new lenses and did some other shopping.

Whilst Della looked at the kiddies books, I went over to the reference section and started looking at Computer Weekly. Some of the journalists are the same as I used to know but most of the names are new. I was looking for potential jobs for Dan but most of the suitable ones seemed to be located in the Thames Valley.

Then to look at the careers section where I found the list of universities offering courses in Optometry and then photocopied the relevant sections of the prospecti for Debbie to study. I was pleased to see that she is already studying the right combination of GCSE's. A rendezvous with the rest of the family for lunch at The Pizza Hut and then back to Horning; buying strawberries and raspberries from Mr Gedge's farm on the way.

I was very tired again and so we drove over to Cromer to visit the cinema for an afternoon performance and were the only ones there to see the film "Policy Academy 7 - Mission to Moscow" which was rather silly but still enjoyable. A walk down to the sea after and along the newly rebuilt pier to have a snack for tea at the cafe there. By this time, I was feeling quite ill; dog-tired with aching limbs which was strange.

I could hardly drive home and then dropped straight into bed. Either I had some virus or, more probably, was suffering from heat exhaustion after several election and dog event days in the hot sun lately.