Back to Diana and the girls before 9.00pm and in time to settle Sam and unpack before bed
Back to Diana and the girls before 9.00pm and in time to settle Sam and unpack before bed

The aftermath of the Election Campaign, sorting out the wreckage at Luke Street which we then did in the sweltering heat. Then facilitating the candidate’s tooth filling as we both visited the dentist, relaxing afterwards unguardedly ***Content Redacted for five years ***.

The long journey afterwards to Diana and the girls, arriving in Norfolk before 9.00pm and in time to settle Sam and unpack before bed.

I would have liked to rested and recuperated after the efforts of the last few days but I was not to be allowed that luxury. I had to be up and out with the dog quite early so as to be able to clear up the wreckage of yesterday.

**"Read More" BELOW for the complete story**

I also had a long-standing appointment for a tooth filling with the dentist which I could have done with out and then I was also due to drive back to Horning! The "Busby Babes" were slow up and so I could walk Sam and type, then print out a press release and agree its content with Sally and still find them in bed when I called on them to drive them back to collect their cars, abandoned from yesterday!

This done, it was a rush to call on the local newspaper's offices and then make my dental appointment. I took Wiggly along as well and Mr Osbourne advised on her plight which was well worthwhile as she was still in pain. That over, it was back to her place and her turn to make me lunch as I recovered from the dentist and we both had aching jaws.

We soon forgot about these as I asked for my campaign thank-you kiss and she made quite a meal of me as well! I had experienced too many weeks of hot weather and her sexy short skirts and clinging clothes and, with the campaign over and risks of relationship problems affecting it, I doubt that any normal male could have resisted this 23-year-old in her physical prime.

***Content Redacted for five years ***

We extracted ourselves before we had got into too much trouble due to my restraint and her wanting to take stock but the damage was done and we both knew how hot we were for each other.  There was also the need to go and sort out the wreckage at Luke Street which we then did in the sweltering heat. The good-byes were particularly poignant as we were parting immediately for me to spend most of the summer in Norfolk but it had to be.

Rubbish cleared, paperwork sorted, information saved and computer data backed up so that I could lend Wiggly the 4/86 and get home to pack and prepare for my journey to Norfolk. The long journey in company with all of the holiday traffic now that the rest of the schools had broken up made quite a challenge.

I failed to get served a meal in a roadside Little Chef and so waited until Norwich and the McDonalds Drive-Thru take-away before getting something to eat and drink. Back to Diana and the girls before 9.00pm and in time to settle Sam and unpack before bed.