Then on to Cromer to see the film "My Girl II" which was very funny, moving and dramatic.
Then on to Cromer to see the film "My Girl II" which was very funny, moving and dramatic.

Recovery day walking Sam on another fine and sunny but with a cooler breeze, joining Diana and the girls for a trip to Norwich.

Then on to Cromer to see the film "My Girl II" which was very funny, moving and dramatic.

I took the decision to take things easily the day after all of the activity and excitement and so just walked Sam gently up the dyke before joining Diana and the girls for a trip to Norwich.

**"Read More" BELOW for the complete story**

It was still fine and sunny but with a cooler breeze here which made it more bearable, and we enjoyed our Jarrold’s scone and coffee. Debbie went off shopping with Della and Diana joined me to collect one pair of trousers from the cleaners and another from the tailors.

Some other chores before meeting the girls for lunch at Oliver's. Home to walk Sam and, whilst I prepared the boat, Debbie walked Sam for me until it was time for us to have tea and set off for Cromer where we had booked tickets to see the film "My Girl II" which was very funny, moving and dramatic.

Home to a bath and then up until after midnight typing up these last four days journal; days full of activity and passion and events that I feel are going to have a big impact on things.