Another very passionate if very late night with Wiggly
Another very passionate if very late night with Wiggly

Another very passionate if very late night with Wiggly and then off to Molesworth with Sam discussing pigeon control with Robert Ward before a long session reassuring Wiggly after having to leave.

A session at home at The Hayling View cleaning the car and resting with Diana who was worried about her health.

I was comfortably asleep under the large and warm duvet when Wiggly got back around 4.30am, smelling of lager and looking obviously friendly! She stripped off and soon our naked bodies were in bed together.

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I massaged and then petted her until she had a good climax and then she worked her way down my body and, with hands and mouth, massaged my erection.

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I was again the first to wake, around 7.00am and, after debating whether to get up from under a warm duvet out into the cold of a house, I slipped out and took my things downstairs without waking her. Once washed and having eaten some cereal breakfast, I left a note for her and went off to walk Sam to save him making any noise.

I drove back and took Sam up to Molesworth and gave him a very good run. Whilst there, I met the contractors who are bringing back the land into cultivation for Robert Ward, and had an interesting chat with them.

They share my concern to control the pigeons and would even bring some bales of straw for hides if I need them which is very good news. Then home via Eynesbury again as I had received a call from Wiggly in the car on the way back. I found her rested but quite emotionally mixed up and down over me having to leave her again after so little time together.

I counselled her for ages and got her to agree to tackle lots of things she had outstanding during the rest of the day and I would call later to see how she was getting on. There I found everybody fine, though Della has reverted to plucking her eyebrows even more and Diana was a bit down.

I got everyone to really appreciate the fine lunch that Diana had made, and it was a nice occasion where we were all together for a formal meal again. Though tired, I cleaned out the inside of the car and then relaxed to watch the TV football later. Some time working in my office and then an early night to bed with Diana.

Di had asked me to examine her closely as she had become worried at having some growths that might be genital warts. There was something there but certainly not warts but, to counter her worry and concern, I agreed to arrange for her to be examined.

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