A full-on evening with Wiggly
A full-on evening with Wiggly

The day started with me training Sam on holding dead pigeons without damage and Daniel dropped by installing his new rented TV.

Diana took Debbie and Amy to see the film "Speed" as I followed a snooker session with Nigel and a full-on evening with Wiggly

Tired this morning after the exertions of yesterday. It is not only the early mornings, late nights, walking and driving but also the nervous energy expended in keeping the dogs under control and performing to very high standards.

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It was raining steadily and so I took things easily, let the girls get out to school and then read a few things before taking Sam out once the rain had eased.

No training first thing, apart from general obedience and a run along some hedgerow cover, but then, after a morning in the office on paperwork and making and receiving calls, I took out some dead pigeons from yesterday with me and the duck shot a while ago and got him to do some simple retrieves, concentrating on his holding and presentation mostly.

From this I learnt that he still has a long way to go. Diana was mixing shopping with housework but Daniel kept popping back home from work, hoping that his new rented TV had been delivered and installed.

It came in mid-afternoon and I had to carry it up the stairs to his room. It has the latest "PAL-plus" screen format which allows wide cinema screen films to be shown on it. Quite a bit of work on insurance and other matters before taking Sam out for a simple run in the afternoon.

Back soon after 5.00pm because Diana wanted to get out early with Debbie and Amy to take them to see the film "Speed" which we had seen before. After Daniel had also gone out with Jason to see Gary and others for a drink in Cambridge, I first settled Della down at the table to do her homework and then went out for the evening myself.

Della was funny as, looking at the clothes I was wearing, she said, "Why are you all dressed up, taking Wiggly out tonight are you? Over to Hail Weston House to see Nigel for a game of snooker and there found him quite tired after his day yesterday. He had driven over to France to get another car full of wines and spirits to stick up his cellar.

He had taken over Julie, his latest lover, and she had brought back some mussels etc. to make a meal but they were back late and did not have time. I had a look around his cellar and then we played two games of snooker and he beat me both times. There was a sad end to the evening as Ashley had driven over to Field Close to have a blazing row with his mother and sister and tried to take the Sky TV controller card back.

Kate had a fit and rushed off on her bicycle to do an "A1 Suicide Run" back to Hail Weston and would not get back in Ashley's car for ages and could not be pacified. She was saying "I have lost my Grandmother and now my parents have split up" and seemed very upset. Our "housewarming" present for Lynn seemed to be quite out of place in the circumstances.

By this time I was quite tipsy having had several glasses of Port with Nigel. I left him to have a relatively early night and drove over to Wiggly. I had called her earlier and we had discussed the evening's arrangements and she had therefore been able to go to her pantomime rehearsals beforehand.

She was in a relaxed mood and pleased to see me but wanted some wine to catch me up before we did anything. We chatted a while and I was pleased to hear that her car was now taxed at last and all else all right. Then upstairs where I insisted she kept my old jumper on but removed her tights and bra and then finally, her pants.

I was very virile and, after she put on my condom and I thrusted vigorously for some time, I then had a monster climax after several days without and she laughed at my antics as I writhed and gasped with ecstasy.

Then it was her turn as I let her take off the jumper, turned off the lights and got under her duvet with her. She needed no invitation to spread her knees wide apart and I rubbed and massaged her until she was ready and then rubbed her clitoris sideways across her large, wet labia quickly to finished her off.

As usual, I kept rubbing her past ready as she writhed and cried for mercy and it was only when she bit my chest that I let her go. We lay and embraced as we talked and then I dressed and left after making arrangements to call her Sunday and see her the following day.