Louise at Heronshaw in 1998
Louise at Heronshaw in 1998

Marital Crisis as Diana reads my journal notes concerning my affair with Wiggly as I watch television coverage of the Liberal Democrat conference with Wiggly and other colleagues appearing in news coverage.

Then I was just setting up my rifle and lamp at Molesworth and preparing to shoot rabbits there for the first time when Diana called and accused me of having an affair with Wiggly which I did not deny.

The matter was complicated by Wiggly being late back from the conference and then I had to tell her that Diana had found out and she was expecting me to end our relationship. Back to sleep in the spare room pending developments

The day started calmly enough with me walking Sam for a particularly long and energetic training session and talking to the gardener.

**"Read More" BELOW for the complete story**

Bill's hospital appointment of yesterday was a waste of time as they talked him out of operating to remove his neck and back cysts and arranged to see him in three month's time. I would not be happy about this out-turn if I was him.

I was watching and was fascinated with the Liberal Democrat Conference debates and could not keep away from the television set now that they were reporting live on the last two days action. Today, Paddy Ashdown was giving his key speech and had to bring a difficult week to a positive close and he did this particularly well with some good speech writing and oratory backing up a realistic approach.

I was intent on shots of the conference hall and Wiggly had already appeared on the news broadcasts as a conference delegate and Diana had seen her there causing her to comment. Now, I was watching for her again and I saw her sister Joanne as well as Helen & Mark Rainer and others that I recognised.

All this time, I was waiting for her to call. I caught up on a lot of magazine and newsletter reading whilst in front of the TV and even summarised more of my journal for August. I had telephoned Robert Ward and got permission to shoot rabbits at Molesworth and got prepared for this evening to go over there and start work; planning alternatively to try and see Wiggly if she was back from Brighton but there was no word from her despite my messages.

Then I was just setting up my rifle and lamp at Molesworth and preparing to shoot rabbits there for the first time when Diana called and accused me of having an affair with Wiggly and did not believe my denial for she had been going through my papers and reading my summary notes for August.

I downed tools and drove back and, attempting to placate her, told her that it was only a brief encounter that had been ended by the wart revelation before it had got anywhere but she did not believe me and was furious and very upset; talking of all things and eventually agreeing that I should sleep in a spare room while she decided what to do.

I drove off back to Molesworth again, not knowing what else to do as still Wiggly was not at home after the conference. I set up the rifle and lamp again. I was just going to start shooting when I managed to get through to Wiggly. She had arrived back after a very frustrating afternoon.

First her sister Joanne had dumped her in order to take Lembit elsewhere, and then her next lift with Mark Rainer and Helen was delayed by them wanting to stay on all afternoon to attend an EARS seminar. To cap it all, they decided to stop off for tea on the way and Wiggly was delayed; mind full of wanting to sort her car and clinic problems out and see me.

Having just caught her back home and only then playing my answering machine messages as I phoned, I had to say that something was up and that I had to come round straight away. She did not let me get away with that and I had to say that Diana had found out.

Once there, she was quiet, turned away from me and was fully expecting to be told that it was all over as I had told her (and she knew) that my family would come first if we were found out. However, I explained that Diana was reacting badly and I was not sure what would happen, but I would still like to carry on seeing her and might need to move in if she would have me!

I stayed late with her consoling her as she was convinced that, what with this and having had her car stolen so that she could not even get to the clinic tomorrow, her life was falling to pieces. I reviewed her problems with her, and she realised that she had to go to work tomorrow and take everything else from there.

Late back to The Hayling View, after my "rabbiting expedition" and there tried to settle down to sleep in the spare bedroom, mind full of the events of the day.