Diana and I managing our martial issues away from the children as she remained in shock and anger and so I keep out of the way  and help Wiggly get to her appointment and use of a car
Diana and I managing our martial issues away from the children as she remained in shock and anger and so I keep out of the way and help Wiggly get to her appointment and use of a car

Diana and I managing our martial issues away from the children as she remained in shock and anger and so I keep out of the way of her and help Wiggly get to the clinic and use of a car. Ostensibly off to Norfolk, I stay overnight with Wiggly in Eynesbury.

An armed break out of IRA prisoners from a Cambridgeshire jail is now being followed by the discovery of Semtex explosive smuggled in but the Home Secretary still refuses to resign!

Della was selected for three small walk-on drama parts in the school play, Debbie is going through an extremely difficult and uncooperative phase as a teenager and driving Diana mad, but Daniel is doing his best to help.

I got myself up from the spare room and then went upstairs to shower and dress, joining the other members of the family for breakfast. Diana was strained and obviously upset but managed to put a brave face on things and I prevented the rest of the family from prying so that we got through breakfast all right.

**"Read More" BELOW for the complete story**

Diana wanted me to go away immediately for a few days so that she could think what to do but I persuaded her that I had to wait until the evening so to tell the children that I was going to Norfolk otherwise they would suspect something and start worrying.

Diana then went off to Bedford (not to come back until after lunch) and so I tried calling Wiggly at her office with the idea of seeing her over lunch-time and taking her to Cambridge to at least help her get sorted. In the event, she had not been able to get the lift into work and got permission from her boss to have the day off work and get sorted.

I found her at home and went straight round there after doing some chores which ended up ideal for both of us. She had arranged an 11.00am appointment and so I took her to Addenbrookes where she had her wart treatment and then we went to see a couple of cars.

I helped her buy an old Ford Escort 1600L which was a bit of a wreck but at least it had an MOT until May and was taxed for six weeks. She used my telephone to arrange temporary insurance cover and drove it away. Paying £390 for the car and adding another £200 to her bank account, she is now solvent and sorted and was very grateful.

We had a salad baguette and half a pint to celebrate and then I left her to drive home whilst I went to the tyre depot to get a puncture repaired on my car. There was both a nail and a screw embedded in the tyre so no wonder it was flat! A very busy afternoon, completing urgent paperwork and then filing six months papers into filing cabinets and fire safes.

Sufficient money withdrawn to pay the gardener, handyman and cleaner and no bills left outstanding. The new battery fitted to the security alarm so that another power cut would not leave the alarm sounding again. I then took the precaution of backing up my journal files onto disks stored in the security safe and then putting the MAC SE/30 in there as well in case things got even more difficult.

All this done, I had to pack, walk and feed the dog and then get ready to leave. I left for Norfolk ostensibly around mid-evening but in fact I went over to Eynesbury and stayed with Wiggly. Sam, bless him, was as good as gold as usual and slept in the car as I slept inside with my lover. We made love before sleeping and again upon wakening and I got up early and said good-bye for her to lay in before making her house-warming party preparations.

She did not want me to leave but I had Sam to run and had no choice but at least I had helped her over some immediate problems. The news this last few days has been of the armed break out of IRA prisoners from a Cambridgeshire jail now being followed by the discovery of Semtex explosive smuggled into the same place! The Home Secretary still refuses to resign over the crisis in the prison service where prison officers and in a running dispute with the government over manning levels.

Della has had confirmation of being selected for three small walk-on parts in the school play, now she is doing drama at school. Debbie is going through an extremely difficult and uncooperative phase as a teenager and driving Diana mad, but Daniel is doing his best to help.