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I worked on The Paxton Princess before the girls join me in Horning on a cold day when the heavens opened again with another series of squalls. We did some shopping and then had tea and spent the evening watching videos and the TV before retiring on another cold night.
I watched the English team win a closely fought World Cup Rugby Union quarter final against France at The Parc de Prince
I had taken the precaution of putting plenty of covers on last night and I was therefore not so cold. However, I had trouble getting off to sleep and then woke up quite early as well. Had my cereal and apple juice and then a bath to finish off. It was so cold today that I needed just about all of my heating to overcome it and then I had problems going in and out. I called Di once I was through and then got on with the Paxton Princess because I wanted to get it ready for their arrival.
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A long day after a good overnight rest before going to Norwich to see the Broadland Planning committee consider my application, which proved to be a long and unsatisfactory affair with them recommending refusal.
Then some LibDem colleagues joined me at The Hotel Norwich to review re-organising Glisson Printing by use of a new machine. Tonight, seemed even colder than last night but at least the wind had stopped.
I was hoping that I could catch up on quite a bit of sleep last night but I was slow to get off and then felt quite cold as the chill wind whistled around Heronshaw. I still slept in until just before 8.00am, however, and so I felt a bit more rested than yesterday. A nice bath and then simple cereal breakfast and got going in time to leave for Norwich at 9.30am. I drove across town to the Broadland District Council offices for a Planning Committee of the Broads Authority. It was the meeting that was to consider my application to re-develop Heronshaw and it took some time for me to settle into the routine of their meeting and to get a copy of their agenda to study.
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A final On-Site shareholders meeting on a cold and wintry day and then radio and Tv interviews with Derek about his gypsy antics before time to celebrate Diana's Birthday, and then drive off to Norfolk, stopping for a meeting with Freda to talk finance and see my interview on Look East!
I was dog-tired when woken this morning and struggled down to breakfast after the girls had gone to school and was only then conscious enough to realise that it was Di's birthday. Also only just heard some of Derek's interview on Radio Cambridgeshire but that seemed quite satisfactory. It was not long before I had to get ready for the ONSITE shareholders meeting and then an urgent call came in from BBC Television Look East reporting team that wanted to do a TV interview with Derek and I in the vicinity of the Gypsy camp, now in Little Paxton.
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Starting the day tired, I saw the girls off to school and then pottered around the conservatory until I accepted a number of interviews concerning Derek’s court appearance as I also countersigned Nigel’s shotgun license application ahead of our Scottish trip! After celebrating the eve of Di’s birthday with a Croxton Happy Eater tea (!) I chaired a LibDem HDC group meeting in the evening as Derek’s antics featured on the news.
Tired again this morning after a second very tiring day and I only managed to get down to breakfast after the girls were fed and getting ready to leave for school. They make such a fuss when they go and even had Diana giving them a lift to the bus stop in view of the wind and rain that came this morning. I was doddering around in the conservatory after breakfast when the gardener arrived, and we reviewed all of the plants in there. A bunch of bananas is coming on the banana plant, which is a rare event, but there is lots of work to do there when the gardener gets time. After chatting to him about other priorities as well, I went back to my office and took several telephone calls from journalists and colleagues alike about Derek's court appearance and then had Nigel Smith round with a "Shotgun Licence Application" for our forthcoming shooting trip to Scotland.
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