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A splendid day out in Norwich, making Di’s contact lens appointment and enjoying coffee at Oliver’s before time on our own which I spent in the Local Studies Department reading up on the structure of the Broads Authority. To the Aquapark for some family water fun and then the evening cinema in The Odeon, Anglia Square.
We had a much better night of sounder sleep and then the heating seemed to come on automatically as it is supposed to and that made for a comfortable start to the day. The hot water tank had not kept hot enough for showers but we washed down again as we were intending to go swimming later on. It was after 9.30am by the time we set off from the boat and, because Diana had a contact lens appointment at 10.15am, this left us in a bit of a hurry. We just made it with only a minute to spare to be kept waiting for a while and then told that Diana's lenses were perfect and did not need adjusting or cleaning.
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Through the 10.30am Haven bridge lift, across Breydon Water and up the River Yare to Norwich where we met up with Daniel and Isabel. In Dan’s car for an evening meal and to view Daniel’s new pad at 23 Cedar Road
We did not sleep particularly well last night as the noise of the dock-side activity at Great Yarmouth Town Quay was rather disturbing. At least we kept warm enough by covering ourselves with all the available blankets and coats. Di was first up and made drinks for the rest of us and then we just had a wash as the water temperature did not seem warm enough for a shower. I checked on channel 12 with Yarmouth Radio and they told me that a Haven Bridge Lift was provisionally planned for 10.30am which suited us as it was High Water this morning and our departure would have been otherwise delayed.
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A half-term holiday cruise on The Paxton Princess leaving Heronshaw and making our way downstream to Great Yarmouth, mooring at the Town Hall Quay. Then time at Wally’s Windmill and then 10-pin bowling before snuggling up on board to sleep.
We had a good night, but it was very cold and I woke up accordingly once or twice. It was raining this morning and then it cleared up later which gave us the chance to get right ready and to cast off about 10.00am. Coffee on the way and Debbie took the helm as I finished off getting things ready once we were on passage. Di took over later and, despite the weather, it was interesting to see just how many other boats were out. Most of them were hire cruisers out for the school half-term holidays loaded up with children.
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A cold and wet and windy day in Horning but the Paxton Princess was up to the task and not leaking overnight after which we visited Wroxham Barns café for a warm drink and snacks. Then some shopping before taking the girls to the Horning Leisure Centre where we first went swimming and then sat and had our afternoon tea.
Then some evening TV and time to update my journal. The news is of the hostage exchange getting underway again between Arabs and the Israeli captives
We slept reasonably and then woke on another cold and wet day having had a bit of a lay in. It was around 8.00am and I suggested that we have breakfast before getting washed and dressed as we were going our different ways. A nice but slow meal with the girls intent on earning "crew points" by making another meal of each job. The girls simply washed down in the boat and I went up to Heronshaw to have a shave and bath. As they finished off getting ready, I mopped off the boat which was quite wet with all the rain. Despite the previous wind and continuing rain, we have not found any leaks in the boat and it is quite comfortable whilst we are connected to the shore-power.
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