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After our free stay at Yarmouth Yacht Station, the cruise up the Bure back to Horning where we emptied the boat at the end of the season and dropped by Mum’s with a full load to find her down and depressed at Freda and Alf’s lack of progress at Redgrave. Home to unload hungry but pleased to be comfortable with our electric blankets.
A fair night that seemed milder than of late and we awoke to a welcome request from Debbie to help with the preparation of breakfast! The clocks had gone back last night and so we had an extra hour this morning and so surprised ourselves with the speed with which we got the boat ready to leave. This change of daylight hours also coincided with the end of the chargeable period for mooring at the Yarmouth Yacht Station and so we were not charged for our overnight stay. The cruise back to Horning went well and without incident but it was surprising just how much traffic there was on the rivers.
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Our cruise on Paxton Princess from Oulton Broad, along Oulton Dyke and The Waveney and through Somerleyton and St Olaves Bridges to Breydon Water. Across and carefully under the Bure Bridges to moor up at The Yarmouth Yacht Station. All on a day with a little sun and milder south-easterly breeze.
I watched a very exciting semi-final of the Rugby World Cup in which England beat Scotland by nine points to six in a closely fought contest and then more tv drama.
I slept well enough after a very late night. I had stayed up to install the new copy of my Wayplan software and, because it was one of my few chances to get time with shore-power and the information aboard, I felt it was worth getting on with it until it was done. I was pleased with the results in the end. Di just had a few minutes to go over to the shop after breakfast and then I got the boat ready and set off just as many more of the BMYC boats were arriving for their rally. we cruised gently across Oulton Broad and similarly so along Oulton Dyke so as not to disturb the anglers. Those that were appreciative and friendly had no problem but those who failed to acknowledge our courtesy saw us speed up as we passed them!
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A boat trip from Reedham to Oulton Broad on a fine but chilly day after mopping down the boat and watching Reedham Ferry operate to and fro. Waits of 15-20mins at Reedham and Somerleyton swing bridges and then along the Waveney to Oulton Broad yacht station.
Lunch at The Ice Cream Parlour and the afternoon by bus to Lowestoft shopping and looking round before some time on the sea front and back to the boat by taxi.
I was a little slow to my bunk last night but we were late awake again this morning and so I had plenty of sleep. The day started and continued fine but still chilly; though with the wind very slight we did not feel too cold. Breakfast of Oat Bran Flakes again with apple juice as I managed to keep to my diet. Then I went out to mop the decks and get ready for our trip, taking in the mud-weight and the extra mooring ropes. Della looked on and wa s still fascinated with the Reedham Chain Ferry plying backwards and forwards across the River Yare with its never-ending cargo of cars.
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Spending time in Norwich with coffee at Jarrold’s and lunch at Oliver’s and then saying goodbye to the friendly harbourmaster before making our trip to downstream via Brundall to Reedham in a steady drizzle, where we moored at the ferry.
I researched boat electrics with the books I found. A pleasant and relaxing day - even if the weather had again been disappointing
I was a bit restless last night and even visiting Diana's bunk did not make me relax. I think that getting up at 8.00am after retiring at 10.00pm was allowing rather too much sleeping time! We all got washed, breakfasted and ready and then walked into Norwich for morning coffee at Jarrolds in accordance with custom in these parts. Then we went our separate ways; the girls shopping and me to review the books in the Jarrolds book section. I found many interesting books on DIY and Marine matters and realised that this bookshop was a justifiable alternative to the chandlers.
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