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After liaising with the gardener, and monitoring the Koi carp, I set off with Diana and could spend time with her in Cambridge, seeing her parents with time for a change.
I found a book for Freda on running a shop and then, once back, Derek and I dealt with the outcome of the court case and our press statement. A Village Hall meeting this evening with the new Chairman taking the reins well.
I awoke very tired after yesterday's driving and exertions and then went out after breakfast to talk to the gardener about priorities for the future. The conservatory plants are still suffering from greenfly and blackfly, but I dare not put any more systemic insecticide on the plants as the fish are already moping on the bottom and not feeding. It is probably the cooler weather and the shorter days dropping the water temperature to put them off feeding but I dare not take the risk. Soon, I set off with Diana for our planned trip to Cambridge. Di was driving to give me a rest after my journeys of yesterday and I used the opportunity to make several telephone calls.
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A busy day visiting Freda and Alf amidst deteriorating shop financial figures and then collecting Mum for a visit to collect some flowers and lay them on Dad’s grave in Little Paxton before getting her safely home to Stanton.
The evening attending an HDC Computer Development working party and then Finance and General Purposes Committee noting the council problems growing in that respect.
I ended up very busy today as I decided to call Mum and ask her to get ready for a visit to Dad's grave in Little Paxton. It was another foggy start to the day and so I thought, like yesterday, that the sun and warmth would follow. With rain and wind forecast for the rest of the week and the days shortening, it was time that I got Mum over to see Dad's gravestone for the first time. I was also awake much of the night worrying about the prospect of Mum moving in with Freda and Alf and the state of the retail business for which no profit figures, stock turnover or cash flow information was available.
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Most of the day sent reorganising the large Hayling View compost heap removing all of the large twigs and fibrous waste so as to allow the rest to compost down better.
I then watched more World Cup Rugby before spending most of the evening in my office writing up these last four days' journal and starting to tackle some financial work that has been outstanding. Some phone calls with Roman Znajek about upgrading our party printing equipment.
We all had something of a lay in this morning and then I had a quick wash so as to be able to do my chores before breakfast. It was our grill to eat; it being a Sunday morning, and I enjoyed it as usual (even if Diana had over-cooked the poached egg again). Soon out to resume work on the compost heap afterwards in the very misty morning air. It has been so mild for the autumn lately that the mist and fog is an inevitable result. I was turning the whole of the old heap at the top of the slipway and removing all of the large twigs and fibrous waste so as to allow the rest to compost down better.
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A day spent on personal activities with gardening and World Cup Rugby the priorities. This after catching up with the last two week's episodes of the "House of Elliott" twenties series and newspaper reports of the Tory party conference where they had not caught up in the opinion polls
I did not get a very good night's sleep as Diana insisted on having her side of the electric blanket on even though the unseasonable mildness had the room temperature of our bedroom at 70degC! Still, I was up quite early and was down to breakfast with the girls before Debbie set off for school, being carried in Diana's car to the bus stop in view of her load.
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