Watching Brazil beat Italy in the World Cup Final
Watching Brazil beat Italy in the World Cup Final

Keeping the girls amused Strawberry Picking, visiting Wroxham Barns for lunch, and then having a successful fishing session with Della. The rest of the evening watching Brazil beat Italy in the World Cup Final

Yet another fine day and a change of activities from recent days.

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Diana was still grumpy after yesterday's row and needed a break from the girls and so, after breakfast and Sam's run, I took them over to Farmer John Gedge's field and left them to pick strawberries for half an hour whilst I drove on to Latham's at Potter Heigham to get some maggots.

The girls picked over 7lbs of strawberries for 45p per pound and so I paid them the other 15p per pound that I saved from having bought the fruit at the ready-picked price of 60p. Soon time for our pre-booked lunch at Wroxham Barns where I had the soup and roast pork with Diana and the girls just had cheese fingers and crisps.

After they had a turn on the fair and Diana a look around the shops, we came back for some of our strawberries. In late afternoon and early evening, Debbie took Sam for a walk, and I did some fishing with Della who successfully caught three roach to my six.

The dyke is very weedy this year which makes things difficult and this after the water being so clear for months. The rest of the evening watching Brazil beat Italy in the World Cup Final on penalties after a goalless match for 120 minutes. Late to bed after a full day, particularly pleased at being able to keep the girls amused.