A visit to the Castle Museum where we enjoyed the exhibits and tour of the battlements and dungeons.
A visit to the Castle Museum where we enjoyed the exhibits and tour of the battlements and dungeons.

A far more comfortable pattern of sun and cool breeze today for our trip to Norwich for shopping, a service for my Discovery and a visit to the Castle Museum where we enjoyed the exhibits and tour of the battlements and dungeons.

Back to Horning for some fishing and then evening cinema in Cromer to see "Maverick" which we all thoroughly enjoyed.

The weather had now settled into a far more comfortable pattern of sun and cool breeze which the average Englishman finds more bearable than the continental heat of late.

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I was awake quite early and headed Debbie to the bathroom after Diana had been. Then out with Sam before breakfast and joined the others for the rush to get ready for our trip into Norwich. We took both cars and dropped the Discovery off at Mann Egerton for its 6000-mile service and air conditioning repairs before continuing on in Diana's car to the city centre.

The news from the dealer is that the new Range Rover is very definitely being launched in September and so we will at last be able to buy one after an interesting spell with the Discovery. Coffee and the morning paper at Jarrold’s and then I left the girls in the library and Diana in the shops whilst I found the Norwich Hearing Aid Centre and was "moulded" for my new ear defenders.

These moulds are then sent off to the manufacturers who make the special ear defenders that attenuate loud noises but allow hearing of normal sounds satisfactorily. Our lunch-time rendezvous today was at Oliver's where we managed some reasonably healthy lunch for a change and then we all went together to the Norwich Castle Museum for a couple of hours and enjoyed the exhibits and tour of the battlements and dungeons.

Off to the garage to collect my car and then I remembered to buy some more food for Sam on the way back to Horning. I was unhappy with the poor sachet of dried composite "soup" that Diana had planned for my tea and so I motored across in The Jolley and bought a tin of Red Salmon and some salad vegetables and prepared these to eat before we finished the rest of the strawberries.

Just time to do a little fishing (where Della caught two fish to my one) before we all drove off to the cinema at Cromer again; this time to see "Maverick" which we all thoroughly enjoyed. Home on a near-empty tank of petrol to update these last two days of journal and then turn in tired after another full day.