Aboard Paxton Princess for a full week
Aboard Paxton Princess for a full week

Aboard Paxton Princess for a full week, making successfully for Stokesby where I enjoyed my crab and prawn salad after stopping at Acle for lunch.

Then a long walk for Diana and I with Sam for which we went right over to Muck Fleet to see this old dyke that once linked the Trinity Broads with the main river.

Telephone arrangements with Wiggly to decide what sort of relationship she wanted with me, and she has accepted a future date to stay a weekend in Norfolk

After our few trial days on the boat, we had decided to get on board for a full week and had stocked up the larders and conducted our maintenance accordingly. The girls had never left the boat for sleeping all this time and so this was no change.

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Di had determined that we would make Stokesby for the first night and we duly did so but first there were a few other things to report. A fairly early start and time to take Sam for a reasonable walk. I took the tarmac road route as his claws were beginning to get long with all the soft ground he has been on lately.

Then a few telephone calls after picking up my messages remotely from home. Nigel is embarrassed for money and may need to sell us his half of Cambridge Street to finance the new house in Grafham for Lynne from whom he is getting a separation. Our new councillor has settled in all right and surviving the experience.

I had left Wiggly to decide what sort of relationship she wanted with me, and she has accepted a future date to stay a weekend in Norfolk and join me for a shopping a theatre trip and will no longer share her new house with Michael. I will enjoy the company of a young and sexy woman and have fun and will help her with the money she would have received from her lodger so that she can still manage.

David Trow has nearly finished the Discovery wheel cover painting of Sam and I should have it within a week which will be nice. Then a quick drive into Horning to jettison our rubbish and fill up our petrol tank in The Jolley. It was mid-morning when we set off and we stopped for lunch at the pub just past Acle Bridge. We left Sam and the girls outside whilst Diana and I ate inside which was peaceful.

Once we arrived at Stokesby, we were able to moor right by the village green and playground and we walked up to the fish shop for some fish for my tea and to the shop next door for Diana's groceries before stopping at the ferry-side shop for a cup of tea and coffee in their back garden with Sam laying beside us in the shade.

I enjoyed my crab and prawn salad for tea and then I played ball and catching with Della whilst Diana cleared up the tea. Then a long walk for Diana and I with Sam for which we went right over to Muck Fleet to see this old dyke that once linked the Trinity Broads with the main river.

A peaceful end to the day watching the girls play in the playground until dusk and then Sam in his box for the night and the family through their routine before bed. Some problems with Sam's manners today as first he peed on the side of the boat whilst we were underway and then over my foot once we were moored up and out walking.

I took him more in hand later and adopted a more controlled approach as he has been getting too naughty. I also tried some quartering with him on some new stubble fields with very mixed results. Like last Spring, he is still inclined to hunt far too far forward which will be a problem for us during the forthcoming grouse moor pointing which comes soon. At least he settled well this evening as the rest of the family were tired and wanted an early night.