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Our trip to see Mum in Stanton after a few garden chores and there to install a new pond pump and switch such that she now seemed to be much happier having received a visit, and cards for her birthday the day before. Home I time to collect Della from school and to organise deliveries of our latest Focus newsletter.
I had dedicated most of today to making a birthday visit to Mum but, as the gardener had started his week's holiday, I spent an hour first watering the plants, flower baskets and tending the swimming pool and fish pond. I am very pleased that the fish have become so tame as to feed from my hand which is quite impressive. Soon after 9.00am, we set off and drove past Mum's village and on to Diss where we bought her new pump for her pond. Once we had got back to Stanton and had a rest and cup of tea, I installed the pump and also the protective net that I had bought to keep the cats off the remaining fish.
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A depressing windy and showery day working at home instead of being in Norfolk, tending the pond, conservatory and fish who are becoming quite tame. Not much progress with my In-Tray before Di and I visited Dad’s grave to replace the flowers.
At the evening meeting of the HDC Southern Area Group I declined to oppose John Denny for the chair but was elected Vice-Chair despite Bill Longford’s antics.
Another day working at home when I would have much rather have been in Norfolk carrying on my plans there. First, I had to have a look at the swimming pool which had become full of debris. At least the chemical treatment had removed the cloudiness that had affected it by the time I had returned from Norfolk last weekend. This done, I was back inside tending to the conservatory plants and fish. The largest Koi now feed happily from my hand and are quite tame when they are hungry.
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A day mostly at home organising my personal affairs and investments but then later to get my inflatable RIB in for repair and attend the AGM of the local St Neots and District Liberal Democrat Branch which was held at the Priory Centre and went very well.
I opted for an intensive working session on my personal affairs today. From my office, I arranged services for my Range Rover and Rolls Royce which took some time as I had to research what needed doing to each. Then the rest of my financial affairs, entering transactions and reconciling my bank accounts which took me up to lunch. This afternoon was almost entirely spent going round St Neots to the building societies getting the latest interest rates and then organising the account balances to take advantage of the best of them. After tea, Steve Lowings of Huntingdon Marine and Leisure dropped by to collect my inflatable tender and take it away for maintenance as it has a slight but annoying leak.
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Back Home to reality and a troublesome peacock as Di drives me to Cambridge so that I could catch up on calls, importantly my Mum on the eve of her birthday about getting her a pond pump replacement.
Our normal haunts for morning coffee and lunch and a new high-quality pair of shoes for me. Home to organise my Paxton Focus delivery and avoid commenting on the Tony Carmedy affair.
The peacock woke me up very early this morning and its presence in Willow Close is getting to be of some concern to the neighbours. I was soon showered and dressed and then out to tend the fish and conservatory and put out the money for the gardener. I met a posse of concerned residents about the peacock but did not rise to the bait, joking that it was "not a District Council matter". I agreed to go with Diana to Cambridge today and she drove whilst I made some telephone calls. In truth, I was very weary this morning and was so stiff and achy, I could hardly get about for a while. The double portion of late night plaice was sitting heavily on my stomach as well, giving me a stomach ache.
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