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Starting the day very tired but then finding time to help with the Stapleford by-election before exhorting my newly-elected councillors to cooperate and plan local political strategy. Then a good Little Paxton Parish Council meeting in the evening as Diana helped by packing ready for our trip to Norfolk the next day.
I went to bed rather too late last night and was very tired and groggy when I woke up this morning. It did not help being woken up earlier by the loud cries of the peacock and the sound of the rain falling outside. I managed to eat some breakfast; and then had to telephone one of the organisers of the Stapleford election and make one or two other calls. I then spent time updating my journal before correcting the press release and getting this and the notice cancelling my strategy meeting out. I called the Stapleford Committee Room and checked on what I could do to help and then decided to work on home for a while.
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With just a little time for my financial planning, then combining the household arrangements of gardening and conservatory furnishing with political meetings that spanned three councils with which I could really have done with more help.
Up and ready at the normal time today, after deciding to wash my hair as well. After breakfast, I spent some time at my desk trying to sort out some financial transactions which had been outstanding for a few days and then, around 10.00am, I went out to unload the bag of compost from my car and chat to the gardener. He had not seen me for a few days and so there was quite a lot of instructions to give him and questions to answer. I was expecting Frosts this morning but it was some time before Lindsay Frost arrived with my new conservatory blinds and, even then, she had mislaid one of them and sent it to Oxford! I helped arrange some walking planks for her to work over the pond and then retired to my office to get on with my paperwork.
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Resuming our customary Tuesday trip to see Di’s parents I Eadon Lilley’s for coffee and to The Copper Kettle for lunch in Cambridge, after dropping off the FOCUS copy for printing to Glisson Road. Some shopping and then to propose an anti-smoking motion to the District Council's Environmental Services Committee this evening.
Today had been a little milder but with showers and we hear that we have already had one of the coldest spells on record for the time of year with frost, even, expected for tonight.
I was a bit groggy this morning after the late night and lack of sleep, but I was nevertheless up and showered for breakfast and then got to my desk to make the necessary corrections to the FOCUS copy, after getting a few calls from my colleagues accordingly. Then, the paper-work complete, I joined Diana for our customary trip to Cambridge, where we took the FOCUS to our Liberal Democrat colleagues for printing. On to Eaden Lilley's for coffee and to meet Diana's mother and then we each did some shopping. I went to get some croquet accessories from Grays, the sports shop, and then some Biology books from Heffer’s for Debbie, and then I met Diana for lunch at the Copper Kettle.
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Completing the FOCUS preparation for consultation with our LibDem members prior to getting it to the printers whilst also dealing with the aftermath of the boisterous boys’ activities in the pool yesterday and conducting press interviews after news of our plans for Ross McKay had leaked out.
My main pre-occupation today was with the need to get the FOCUS copy ready for going to the printer. The day started a bit traumatically as Diana discovered that the boys had broken Amy Law's polystyrene surf-board in half during their horse-play last night and so we had to get him out of bed early to go and promise the Law family that he would replace it. The gardener was back today and so I could leave him to the chores, but I did have to feed the fish which were quite hungry with the water temperature being what it is. I telephoned Percy who came round today to work on the final FOCUS, but we first had to get the Ross McKay press release out.
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