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Another trip to Cambridge, increasingly busy with tourists, and a look at the unimpressive Grafton Centre but only time for phone calls to the local activists’ executive as I had matters to get agreed at Huntingdon District Council and Little Paxton Parish meetings later.
The national Tories in all sorts of bother again with ex-Prime Ministers, Thatcher and Heath, falling out over Europe in a pretty big way. A showery but milder day that of late
It was another normal morning routine and then, there being only sufficient time for the morning chores, we all left for Cambridge as soon as the girls had gone to school. The traffic and road works on the A45 were a bit of a problem and we therefore diverted through Abbotsley and Gransden to avoid the delays. We met Di's father for coffee in Eadon Lilley's and he was pleased to see us all again. Then we each divided and went our separate ways shopping. I walked over to the Grafton Centre which was singularly unimpressive and has never recently taken off as a shopping attraction in competition with the town centre. Many of the units are empty and others occupied by short-term discount selling operations. I could not even find a taxi to take me back and ended up walking which made me a little late to meet the others at the Copper Kettle.
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A cool and showery day for the Range Rover Service and Reliant planning but also for meetings of the Computer Development Working Party and evening planning meeting, tussling with Tory Leader Derek Holley for much of the time.
This evening Margaret Thatcher made a major speech on European co-operation in the USA and being tempted during questions to voice her hostility to the concept of a Federal Europe
It was up early as usual this morning and then the normal routine before taking the Range Rover to Marshalls of Bedford for servicing. Apart from a 6,000 mile service, they were also attending to a range of small but irritating problems as this 1986 vehicle began to show its age. They loaned me a new Land Rover to get back with, but I found this a poor and slow substitute for my own car as I drove up the A1 at only 45/50mph. Once home I did a variety of desk jobs and then went out after lunch to sort out the garages. Intending to work on the Rolls Royce and Reliant, the task ended up as a general garage clear out which was particularly good in its effect but was not really what I had planned. At 2.30pm, a local motor-cycle enthusiast, Eric Mathews, came round by arrangement and had a look at the Reliant and undertook to help in finding me a friendly MOT tester who could facilitate me getting the Reliant back on the road.
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This was Father's Day coinciding with the start of fishing season but I still had an Eaton Socon meeting with Derek and Sally to come up with some good schemes and comments for next Tuesday's HDC Leisure and Amenities Committee.
We also welcomed Di’s father Charles with Daniel and Angela for a fine roast beef lunch on a day when I worked on both the Rolls Royce and the Reliant. This evening to Debbie’s parents meeting at Kimbolton School for a much better report than we ever got for Daniel!
We had a bit of a lay in this morning and, once I had woken, I got quickly dressed and did the morning chores before breakfast. The anglers were fishing the river in numbers, obviously pleased that the season had started again. It was a nice fried meal and also an occasion for my daughters to give me Father's Day cards and presents together with kisses. Daniel was down later and also gave me a card but no present or kiss! This morning, I got the tyres pumped up on the Rolls Royce and, having already charged the battery, managed to start the car and drive it out of the garage. I had a slight scare when there was petrol streaming from the engine compartment, but it was some part of the fuel system sticking which soon resolved itself. I took the car for a run and was hoping to use it to travel to a meeting in Eaton Socon, but the battery was not charging sufficiently, and I decided I might need a new one.
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A slow and tired start to a cool, breezy and wet day which made the Little Paxton School Fete a bit of a wash out but I did my duty in attending and spending lots of money for good causes and then came back to produce my latest financial summary and review Derek’s latest Eaton Ford FOCUS supplement.
I regretted Diana's late retirement to bed last night as it made me feel very tired this morning and for the rest of the day. I was a little slow to rise, even for a Saturday, and then came down to breakfast with the girls as there was no sign of Daniel and Angela for a while. Then out to vacuum the swimming pool and to tend the birds, plants and fish which was a long and tiring job in the cool breeze. I also checked on the Rolls Royce which had its battery seemingly accepting the charge I was giving it. The weather today was cool, breezy and wet for most of today, which made the school fete a bit of a wash out.
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