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The last day for Steve and I in Norfolk, as I first took Steve over to The Swan at Horning and treated him to a fine traditional English breakfast, which he loves, and we then spent the day replacing fencing panels until John Coulling arrived to fix the Paxton Princess hydraulic system. A very late departure and journey home, arriving tired and weary after midnight.
We were awake quite early again this morning and, feeling that I had been a bit harsh and ungrateful with Steve, I offered to take him for a traditional English breakfast for which they are very good. To Steve, Norfolk is all about food and nice breakfasts and my meagre rations of toast were a bit thin for him! We dressed smartly and had a nice meal and then I used the telephone there to call home and the to call John Coulling to seek his help in repairing and commissioning the hydraulic steering on the Paxton Princess. He could only come later on at the end of the day and so, that arranged, we went into Wroxham and ordered some fence panels and went back and started ripping down the old ones so as to be able to replace them after lunch.
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A wakeful night and slow start after being a little the worse for the wine and drink last night and then the whole day working at Heronshaw, as we wired up the garage and shed for electricity, cleared out the garage and shed and made shelves in the boat-house to store all of the belongings taken out. Then commissioning the alarm on the boat.
A trip up the river on the Jolly to The New Inn for lunch looking at the riverside bungalows which led to me deciding to add a boathouse separate to Heronshaw. It was raining overnight but just showering today.
I was a little the worse for the wine and drink last night and felt rather warm in bed, waking up once or twice. Up soon after 6.00am this morning and I had a bath and dressed to make the breakfast. We spent just about the whole day working on Heronshaw but also the boat as well. We wired up the garage and shed for electricity, cleared out the garage and shed and made shelves in the boat-house to store all of the belongings taken out and also surveyed the place. On the boat, I recessed the alarm control panel into the dashboard and commissioned the alarm which had not been working until then. All of the systems still seem to be all right and we only the need help of the hydraulic engineers to be back in business.
As a break, we also took a trip up the river for lunch at the New Inn on The Jolly and took a look at the other riverside bungalows and boat-houses. I think that I have decided to add a boat-house with some little living accommodation to Heronshaw and then treat the work on the old bungalow as a separate business as it will all be too much for me to organise. Out real interest is in the boating side anyway. It was raining overnight and was showering today as well but it did not affect what we were doing.

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Working at Heronshaw on the property and the Paxton Princess, progressing well until Steve had a disaster trying to help as he inadvertently detached a hydraulic pipe at both ends and fluid was gushing out, debilitating the boat so that sea trial this weekend was out of the question. I spent time documenting our new electronics until we consoled Steve and I with an evening meal at the Bridge Restaurant in Wroxham
I was first to awake this morning and got up and had a bath after shaving etc. Steven was slower to rise, and I had made breakfast by the time he was dressed. We just had toast and then set to work on the boat as we wanted to get it ship-shape for a sea trial and proving run. I carried on transferring notes to a small handbook so that I could run the increasingly-complicated equipment. Steve tackled the job of making a mounting bracket and pushing back the hydraulic pump out of the way of the table locker. We broke off in mid-morning and went into Wroxham to buy some cable and an incinerator so that we could start clearing some Heronshaw rubbish as we worked.
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A very early start for our trip to Norfolk, stopping at Snetterton for breakfast before running in to traffic to make us late for our meeting with the refrigeration engineer at Heronshaw. The engineer fixed the Paxton Princess fridge and then the pest controller arrived to quote for treating our garage for woodworm.
I dropped Steve off to his boat in Wroxham before returning to wire up our boat navigational computer into the plotter and auto-pilot with Tony Martina before retiring quite tired after a fried fish dinner
It was a very early start today as I was woken by Diana before 6.00am and had to get up and ready within half an hour. I just showered, shaved and then got dressed by which time Steven Bloom had arrived and helped me load up the Range Rover. We were away before 8.30am and on our way to Norfolk. It was a clear enough journey to start with as we found little traffic and so we decided to stop just after Snetterton for a nice fried breakfast. A good, quick meal and then on our way again and things continued to go well until we approached the Norwich ring road when the traffic and road works caught up with us. I had to telephone ahead to the refrigeration company who were due to meet me at Heronshaw and say we were going to be late.
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