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A quieter warm but showery day in Horning, walking Sam and then driving on to Potter Heigham to look at fishing tackle. A family lunch at The Old Tea Shoppe in Horning village and then back to work on the store room.
Then walking Sam again as the girls went roller skating again. England lost their world cup qualifying match 2-0 to Norway.
Sam was quieter this morning which meant that I had a slight lay in and was woken with a cup of morning tea. The day started fine and sunny and I got quite warm giving Sam his early walk. Diana opened up all of the windows and doors expecting this warmth to continue but the sky clouded over and it started raining later on. We opted to spend most of the time at Harnser having a rest, but Diana and I did go out in the morning, collected our bed cover from dress-maker Jean and then drove on to Potter Heigham so that I could have a better look at fishing tackle. .
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A family trip to Norwich and there to agree the purchase of a used Discovery with Mann Egerton accepting my old Range Rover in part exchange.
This after taking Sam for a visit to Chapelfield Veterinary Partnership where the lady vet took a look at him and diagnosed that he had contracted a virus infection for which tablets were proscribed. Then a meal this evening for Di and I at Mr Chann's Chinese Restaurant.
I had left Sam's kennel door open giving access to his run and this gave me cause for regret this morning as he was awake early and whining for his food. Up, ready and out with him and back in time for breakfast. To Norwich as soon as we could manage afterwards and there we had a quick coffee break in Jarrolds before Diana went off shopping, the girls went to the library and I took Sam to the Chapelfield Veterinary Partnership where the lady vet took a look at him and diagnosed that he had contracted a virus infection. She dispensed four antibiotic tablets, to be given every other day, which was to last a week and I will have to bring him back after then to see if he is responding to the treatment.
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