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Taking the Discovery for some remedial work in Norwich and shopping and lunch with Daniel in Lowestoft.
This evening making up some permanent mooring ropes for The Paxton Princess in the new boathouse.
The Tory party is now in all sorts of trouble over the controversial nature of its funding by private and overseas sponsors
Late to bed and then late to rise this morning in consequence. I still managed to sneak my breakfast before getting out with Sam and I had quite an eventful walk with him. He greeted Arthur Edmund's old dog rather too enthusiastically whilst I paid his owner for some recent work and then did the same with another old dog that its lady owner had to shield from her. I therefore took Sam in hand for his evening walk and kept him under close control and made him walk to heel much more than of late.
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My routine of walking the girls to the bus stop on a fine and warm day as Della gets better used to Sam. Then some time repairing the valve on our swimming pool, which was a pain.
Daniel passes and gets his 2.2 BSc Honours Degree as I travel from Paxton to Horning
Later to bed again last night after arriving back from my visit to Nigel. Diana said that she was in bed and waiting for me earlier, but I know that she would have fallen asleep early in any case. Up and in time to join the girls at the table for breakfast after which I accompanied them to the bus stop for another examination day. Della now makes quite a fuss of Sam and becomes less and less afraid of him every day. A long walk for the dog and then back to tackle a problem on the swimming pool.
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A slow start after a late night as the fishing season starts and I catch up filing and prepare for my three-week Norfolk trip.
Some drinks and snooker with Nigel by arrangement over at Hail Weston House as we wait for the children’s exam results.
I stayed up until 12.40am last night, watching the film "Bounty" on TV and so was very reluctant to get up this morning. I therefore found the day quite tiring and frustrating, but I was still able to get on. It was raining all day until it cleared up in the evening and so, despite two long walks, Sam was confined in his kennel. To his credit, he did not complain and was the model of good behaviour as I worked away in my office. I had a few items of mail today that dealt with aspects of Mum's affairs and so I first had to get those out of the way by replying.
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Some time with Sam, recovered from his infection as Diana views cars and I plan my next trips to Norfolk. Daniel had his first interview today at a computer company near Heathrow
I stayed at home today as Diana went to Cambridge to shop and meet her Mum and Dad. I was up and out with Sam as usual, but the milk float spooked him and made him jumpy for much of his morning walk which rather spoilt it for both of us. The silly dog is only frightened of electric milk floats and does not turn a hair at the motor-driven ones in Norfolk. He had the anglers to contend with on his evening walk.
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