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Taking Sam for his first Pointer Training Session with him excelling in the water on a hot and sunny day
I was first awake at 7.30am and crept into the bathroom to get washed and shaved without waking the dog. Diana was still in bed and so I took advantage of that fact and Sam obligingly waited until afterwards to be fed. In Ropes Hill Dyke, I could let Sam out after he ate and he could find a good spot in the bushes but in Paxton I have to get him to go in the garden still and clean up after him. A panic to try and find the dog whistles without which I could not have gone this afternoon but Diana found them for me and so I could go. We reckoned that, if Sam’s ailment was anything like chicken pox, he was well past any infectious stage, being on the antibiotics.
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A hot and sunny day with little wind for Debbie to sail and the Three Rivers Race.
I was out early walking Sam around Crabbet’s Marsh and on to Horning for milk and papers. Sam seems to be getting over his viral infection but still had plenty of spots.
Breakfast in Wroxham with the family and some work fitting out Harnser before driving on to Paxton. To sleep tired and exhausted with both effort and heat.
We were greeted by a fine, hot and sunny day this morning and it is always sad to leave Norfolk in these circumstances. First out with the dog around Crabbet's Marsh and then back via Horning village for some milk and newspapers. I got Debbie to try out the newly-commissioned sailing dinghy but there was hardly any wind and she got frustrated trying to sail it whilst drifting backwards on the main river! There were sailing boats gathering in large numbers at Horning Sailing Club for this was the day of the Three Rivers Race due to start at midday. They were missing the wind even more as I launched The Jolly and went to tow Debbie back in.
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Delivery of my new Land Rover Discovery after some delays and trauma as I looked after Sam.
Daniel and his friends arrived to commission the dinghy and stay overnight in Heronshaw so I set to and re-commissioned the plumbing; finding five leaks in the process that were caused by last winter’s frosts.
I was amongst the last to wake again this morning as Diana was up first to make me a cup of tea and let Debbie into the bathroom. Sam woke up early with the family activity and messed his run for the first time this week but, judging by the mixture of polythene bag and wood chippings, it may have been overnight after all. A walk down to the village with him for a newspaper and two bottles of milk and then made slower progress after breakfast as I got together the old Range Rover bits and pieces and had to officiate with a number of fights between my daughters.
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A fine and sunny day away from the family as they visit the Pleasurewood Hills theme park and I tend to Sam and work on fitting out the Harnser Store Cupboard.
Critics were screaming for the resignation of England football manager, Graham Taylor
Sam had another good night and let me sleep in again this morning. Poor Diana did not sleep so well and complained of me snoring, Della coughing and Debbie acting out vivid dreams! A long walk with Sam around the private roads and then into Horning to get a paper and some milk. Back in time for breakfast at which it was agreed that I would stay at Horning whilst Diana took the girls to Pleasurewood Hills, the "American-style" theme park close to Lowestoft. It turned out to be a warm and sunny day which let them enjoy the experience and let me get on.
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