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Poor news about my building work, the pool leakage and my navigational system and , some time on paperwork and with Debbie
The normal morning routine, this time joining Debbie for the trip to the bus stop. Then Diana went with Della on a pre-arranged Brownie outing to a demonstration farm, leaving me to work away on my paperwork at home. At least I found some good Rugby Union on the television for my morning break, watching The Lions tie the series in New Zealand by beating The All Blacks well with the third and decisive match to come. A poor day as I made good progress but had difficult and upsetting things to deal with.
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A troubled drive from Horning to Kimbolton for Della's Sports Day on a hot day made bearable by the northerly breeze. Home to walk Sam and complete some paperwork before taking Diana out to see a poor film
I had stayed up very late tidying up after my disappointment with the new navigational interface and so, though tired this morning, at least I had a head start on getting ready to leave. I still telephoned the manufacturers and ascertained that it was a faulty interface that they would exchange under warranty. A long run and meal for Sam, the remainder of my packing and then set off, filling up with petrol in Wroxham on the way.
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A full working day which I started feeling tired and reluctant to get up as I had a late and unsatisfactory night worrying about a structural development to Harnser.
Also experiencing disappointment with my new navigational system which was plainly faulty. Another warm and sunny day but still that cool breeze from the north.
Another full working day, again between meals and dog exercise sessions. Sam was getting a bit bored of the same walks each time and then having to stay in his run all day and so I gave him quite a few difficult retrieves. He did well with them but came unstuck when diving headlong into some soft mud when he ended up floundering around with head stuck down for some time! But first I was tired and reluctant to get up as I had a late and unsatisfactory night worrying about a structural development to Harnser.
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More work on outboards and navigational systems with Daniel and Gary, upgrading my Decca navigator system before an earlier and more enjoyable bedtime
A similar day to yesterday with Daniel and Gary coming over just after lunch (when they had got up) to complete the work on his outboard motor. I helped them again with getting the boat and motor into the river and Gary polished up the speedboat as Daniel worked on the engine, so the result was very satisfactory. I had gone to the shops in Horning whilst walking the dog this morning and so bought more milk, a paper and some of the home-cured ham from the local butcher. I really enjoyed this ham for lunch and tea later and was glad at making the find.
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