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A long and tiring day working on the final election leaflets and then attending a residents action group meeting at Little Paxton Village Hall, surprisingly attended by local leading District Council Tories and their leader Derek Holley was unwisely provoked into accusations of lying for which he had to make a public apology later!
A long and tiring day working on the final round of the election leaflets. Have been making an extra special effort and perfecting a powerful style for the last campaign report. This extended into the evening, but I broke off to attend the PULP action group open meeting at Little Paxton Village Hall which was a very interesting experience with a good attendance that has attracted the leading District Council Tories to the village, which was surprising indeed. Of course, the letters of invitation had been sent to the District Councillors, but it must have been the Mill Lane election poster boards and the recent work in Little Paxton that necessitated a response in this election campaign. Its good at least to be responsible for keeping them on their toes and their leader, Derek Holley, was unwisely provoked into accusations of us lying for which he had to make a public written press apology later!! Home late and then, after several telephone calls, decided to leave the completion of the leaflets until tomorrow
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A slow start to a fine but chilly day with my injured finger and then completing Michael Pope’s third and last leaflet which ended up quite the best effort that I have made. This afternoon, Percy Meyer came over and we sketched out the Buckden County last leaflet as local news is full of our criticisms of the sitting Tory County and District Councillors for non-attendance at council meetings and the Tories have reacted angrily to these criticisms. Nationally, the news is still full of the Hillsborough Football Ground Disaster and of widespread condemnation over the government over the introduction of ID cards and NHS ‘reforms’ and of 8p per gallon petrol price increases
I was tired this morning and slow to wash and dress due to my injured finger that I had received by accident during post-boarding. After tending the conservatory and fish on a fine, if chilly, day. I spent the morning working on Michael Pope’s third and last leaflet which ended up quite the best effort that I have made. Diana was much distracted today, ferrying Debbie and her friend Philippa to and from the riding school. There are only a few horses left there now and not many owners about to help the girls when they need it. Diana also did some shopping and helped at the local school and Brownies, between running around after the girls all day. This afternoon, Percy Meyer came over and we sketched out the Buckden County last leaflet which I now must lay out. This evening, I was joined by three Democrat workers and we went to Great Gransden to canvas for Des Merrill and Percy Meyer. The result was most encouraging and, if this is anything to go by, the Tories do not stand the prayer of stopping us. The news is full of our criticisms of the sitting Tory County and District Councillors for non-attendance at council meetings and the Tories have reacted angrily to these criticisms, which only further highlights their plight.
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The rain held off long enough for us to repair our election poster sites, trashed by Tory hooligans overnight, after which I reviewed the results of our canvassing. Michael is winning easily in Priory Ward, Percy is behind but gaining ground in Buckden and we have nothing for Des Merrill yet but anecdotally he is doing well after we highlighted the sitting Tory Councillors absences. Agreeing the copy for and then creating our third leaflet this evening. Daniel returned home today with news of the girlfriend he found in Russia, but he lacks contact information to pursue his interest
A tough and tiring day today. I was awake in the night hearing the sound of a disturbance and my suspicions were proved correct this morning when we found the vast majority of all of our Little Paxton poster sites either missing or damaged by a group of three hooligans that I trailed last night. Michael Pope and I had to spend all morning finding, repairing and replacing the posters which was was both annoying and exhausting at the same time. This afternoon, Michael and I worked on the rest of the copy for his final leaflet and then Percy Meyer, Des Merrill and Moira Biggins joined us to make our first review of the canvass returns and statistics. Michael is well ahead in the results for Priory so far and would seem certain to be re-elected. Percy is a little behind in Buckden County Ward but has a fair standing at this stage of our campaign. No real statistics for Des Merrill yet but informal canvassing shows him well ahead in Gransden and Abbotsley after we had highlighted the absences of the sitting Tory County and District Councillors.
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On a nice sunny and warm day, I was awake early and achieved a few things before breakfast and then helped Michael Pope to canvas the larger houses in the Priory Estate using my personal-index-number Range Rover to help gain their attention and then an afternoon erecting poster boards. Home to hear the tragic news of the Hillsborough Football Stadium disaster.
Having got to bed by 11pm, I slept on and off until I was awake at 6am as a result. I found Diana still beside me for once and we had fun as a result. Up and showered and dressed by 7am, using the time to feed the fish in the conservatory and then tend and water all of the plants. After eating breakfast this morning, I helped Michael to canvas some of the higher income houses in the Priory Estate, the results being quite reasonable. Lunch and then the rest of the day erecting poster boards in Priory and Abbotsley. We still have the campaign initiative in all Wards we are targeting. The printed and folded pages of my book arrived today in a sample quantity of two and we now only await the stitching and binding on Tuesday to know that the project is finished. The quality of print and illustrations is very good indeed, considering the standard of the originals. This evening, I rested my aching legs after a series of active day’s and then wrote up my journal. I was horrified to hear the main news story of the day. Due to poor crowd management and overcrowding a great crash at Hillsborough Football Stadium led to the deaths of 93 fans. The Liverpool versus Nottingham Forest cup semi-final was to have been a great spectacle of football but ended up as a terrible tragedy. The rest of the news paled into insignificance in comparison. A nice sunny and warm day but stormy weather is on the way