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On a cold and drizzly day, I was tired and struggling to work effectively even inside, Diana and Daniel came home with the sad news of denting his car in an accident. This evening planning our election campaign with Michael Pope and agreeing Focus copy with the theme ‘a history of action and promise of more’. The US/Soviet summit talks seemed to go well and Mrs Thatcher hosted President Gorbachev to a Downing Street banquet and paid tribute to his ‘peaceful resolution’. The government announced today its unilateral decision to scrap the dock labour scheme covering 9,400 men in 40 ports and, with threats of industrial action, market worries depress the stock market
I felt very tired all day, which was a discouragement to working effectively. I spent some time tending my plants and fish this morning and even more later. The dehumidifier could only cope when the conservatory was ventilated, and I think that I need a more powerful unit to cope with the requirement. I worked at my desk today, clearing some paperwork and making phone calls to organise my affairs. I carried on this afternoon until Diana and Daniel came home with a tale of woe. They had dented the car by impact with another and they admitted it was their fault. Daniel was overconfident and careless and Diana not sufficiently alert to put the handbrake on. This evening, Michael Pope came round and we exchanged ideas on this third and final leaflet – opting for a centre spread that would show a collage of press cuttings and old Focus copy so as to preach the legend, ‘a history of action and promise of more’. We finished early so as to get to bed on time for once. The US/Soviet summit talks were described today as ‘deep, wide-ranging and very friendly’ and Mrs Thatcher paid tribute to President Gorbachev for his ‘peaceful resolution’ in the Soviet Union at this evening’s banquet at 10 Downing Street.
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I was reluctant to rise on another cold and damp day, which was unsuitable for canvassing, I worked inside on the conservatory and received a dehumidifier machine sales representative who left a trial machine which was not man enough. Mikhail Gorbachev, the Soviet leader, was arriving in London tonight and David Gower has been named as the captain for all six England cricket test matches this season.
I slept well and was reluctant to wake up when called. It was another cold and damp day, which is a depressing influence on the election campaign. I decided to work on the shelves for the conservatory and to obtain a dehumidifier machine as the structure is wringing wet in this cold weather when no ventilation can be applied. I finished the shelves and then a sales representative arrived with one design of machine which ran for the rest of the day. It reduced the humidity but did not solve the condensation problem immediately and I may need a more powerful machine to do the job. I did not get out canvassing today, as the volunteer cancelled out and I tidied things up in the conservatory instead. Di bought a ‘grow bag’ for me and I transplanted our tomato plants into it. I had a much earlier bedtime today. The news was full of the imminent visit of Mikhail Gorbachev, the Soviet leader, who was arriving in London tonight. David Gower has been named as the captain for all of the six England cricket test matches this season.

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Tired after a late night, I worked on my backlog of newspaper cuttings and then drove out to buy some brackets and posts before welcoming Dad after his Addenbrooke’s Hospital visit. With him to collect a cold and grateful Debbie from Offord stables on a very chilly and showery day. Hosting Parish Council Planning Committee Members at Samuel Jones to discuss their expansion plans and then reviewing the next few days’ campaigning with Michael Pope. The continuing row over the House of Frazer/Harrods report as Lord Young reveals ‘evidence of wrongdoing’
I had hardly enough sleep last night and made a resolution to try to get to bed earlier this evening. I resumed my work on the backlog of newspaper cuttings and finished extracting them by mid-morning. I had an early lunch and then drove off to buy some brackets and shelves for the conservatory and 50 poster board posts from Tebbutt’s, which I loaded on board. We were expecting Dad to visit after his Addenbrooke’s Hospital appointment and whilst I waited, I sharpened an axe and started making points on the stakes. Once Dad arrived, we had a cup of tea and then went off to Offord Stables to collect Debbie from horse riding.

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After a dry and sunny but cold day inside progressing a number of things and noting the condensation inside the conservatory. Following the deterioration of my Hariwake Koi carp, the fish people came and injected him once more before I went out and organised three volunteer canvassers for Michael’s re-election and had a very encouraging response. Lord Young is struggling under criticism for concealing the monopolies commission report on Lonrho, Labour commits to raising the top rate of income tax to 50% and a Soho Chinese arcade is firebombed with four casualties.
I rose a bit late and noted that my Hariwake Koi carp was deteriorating with the infection returning. I made a number of telephone calls this morning, progressing my book printing, the conservatory blinds, the tropical lilies for the pond and other things. The condensation in the conservatory is becoming quite a problem and I think I will have to get a dehumidifier for the colder weather when we cannot have the windows open. I carried on with my newspaper cuttings today and nearly got up-to-date. I had Mrs Frost dropped by this afternoon and discussed designs of blinds to be ready to quote me for fitting. All my other queries were resolved. This evening, I had to choose between attending Huntingdon District Council Finance and General Purposes Committee and organising the efforts of three volunteer canvassers and I correctly opted for the latter. The response was very encouraging, and I think we should get Michael re-elected quite easily.
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