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Settling Della down again for her school day and then meeting up with Mr Chris Winfield of Anglian Water Authority and Percy a tour of the St Neots Sewerage works where there was an immediate acknowledgement of the bad smell
Then planning for a very successful evening regional council meeting where we outvoted the Tories 6-4! The North Norfolk Planning Office are going to recommend approval for my planning application to develop Heronshaw which is very good news indeed.
The Iraqis and United Nations still tussling over the removal of documents listing Iraqi personnel involved in the national nuclear programme; Michael Watson, the boxer, is still critically ill and must be considered likely to have severe brain damage if not to die although. The rain came at last this evening and was torrential
Another better night, even though I again had to settle Della down to bed and leave her awake quite late. A little earlier this morning so that I could give Della her piggy back and play session without too much fear of her missing the bus. She must be getting more confident because she insisted on going ahead of Debbie on her own to the bus-stop but I made sure Debbie was not far behind and keeping her eye on her. Once more unto the sewage works and this time I met Mr Chris Winfield of Anglian Water Authority with Percy and we were taken for a tour of the works. Mr Winfield immediately acknowledged that there was a problem with the bad smell, and we agreed that it was first coming from the open settling tanks that are filled with the sewage when it first arrived and then by the gravel beds on to which is sprayed the settled sewage for treatment.
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Settling Della down for her school day, catching up with my household chores and then getting the day wrong for my pre-arranged meeting with a local representative of the A.W.A. at St Neots Sewerage Works and so seeing Percy instead to progress our campaign to press the government for housing policies that would not hinder our ability to cater for the homeless.
Much of this was then incorporated into recommendations for pressing the District's M.P.'s for changes of policy and funding. I also went to a special planning committee meeting this evening about the Peterborough Southern Township.
It was Daniel's last day at home before going back to U.E.A. and he was loading up the Montego Estate Car which he hoped to sell once he got back in Norwich.
I was managing to gradually increase the amount of sleep I was getting and so feeling less tired. I was up a little late this morning but still found time to give Della a "piggy-back" and accompany her feeding the fish before she left for school. This is my way of ensuring that she is relieved of some of the tension before she sets off. Then I read the papers and mail and went out to tend my doves. There were a total of three youngsters which were finding their "feet" and I kept putting them back up on to safe perches away from local cats. Later in the day, we lost one which died from its injuries.
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A day of Cambridge and St Neots meetings that started slowly with my new diet and my preparation of Ears data (the LibDem election software). The constituency campaign meeting overran as usual and then I had Percy and Michael along to prepare for this evening’s HD Housing Committee meeting and was late for lunch with Diana.
A St Neots party group meeting later to talk about St Neots Museum Finance and then some time on filing old Microcomputer Industry documents, noting correspondence with Paddy Ashdown on Export Controls.
The good news today of the release of Jackie Mann, the retired ex-patriot former R.A.F. pilot who was kidnapped two years ago in Beirut, albeit in a sad, ageing and emaciated condition
I slept well enough but was a little slow to rise, only managing to finish washing and dressing as the girls left. I just had bran flakes, skimmed milk and apple juice for breakfast which was in the best interpretation of my new diet. Overnight, I had received the formats for the EARS data and I copied this for distribution with the other information at this morning's meeting. I left with Diana for Cambridge and we stopped off at The Little Chef on the way for coffee before setting her down in the City Centre and driving on to Glisson Road for the campaign meeting.
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As Della gradually get used to going to school without worry, I go to St Neots for a doctor’s test and screening and find that I had gained weight from 87 kilos to 92 kilos and, more importantly, my overall cholesterol level from 6.6 to 7.8 mmol/l which is way outside the preferred range of 3.6-6.8 with 5.2 being the level advisable. Then up quite late, planning election resources in the evening
The girls were reasonably happy in going to school today and Della only managed one shiver and whimper before setting off. Each Monday is better for our little girl but she is still a bit anxious and worried about wetting herself. Di is as anxious as she because having lost her last little one to school which makes the house quiet. After my normal chores, it was time for breakfast and then, after some little time in my office, time to go into St Neots for our Doctor's test.
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