Geoff Lynch review and Xitan deal before BMMG preparations on the eve of the minister’s meeting

A very much cooler day with afternoon temperatures below 70degF. The evening was quite temperate with a chilly breeze. Early to let the ducks out with Daniel and then to the office to review the mail and prepare for a personal appraisal with Geoff Lynch. Arriving early, Geoff met with me until late afternoon. I presented and agreed with him his appraisal, then discussed plans I have for converting his Xitan Shares for Comart Shares in three stages totalling some 9000 odd shares. Also a net profit based commission scheme to elevate his earnings on quota as Xitan M.D. to some £27/29K. His reaction was rather guarded but I feel that the generosity, once assimilated, is fully appreciated.

Late phone calls to the BMMG Secretary, Helen Gibbons, to check arrangements for the Minister tomorrow. All seems well and we should have both a well-attended Breakfast meeting of members and a fully representative ministerial lobby. I only regret the early hour at 8.00am for first rendezvous in London. The news today is still of the helicopter crash now that the vehicle has been recovered with 27 of the 30 missing bodies on board. A late parliament debate tonight, on MP’s pay with a real chance of defeat for the Government after many sessions of pay restraints has left MP’s behind the senior civil servants. A typhoon in the French Bordeaux and Dordogne districts.

With plans for an early morning start, an early night to bed after a hair-wash.