Early Byte Shop day at the office after settling Comart management differences whilst Cruise missiles arrive at Greenham Common as women’s groups here join others protesting at US invasion of Grenada, Doctors over Kidney Operation cuts and milkmen at Long-life milk imports

Early to the office and after a brief chance to review my mail, and then early meeting with Peter King on Byte Shop issues as preparation for the Review Meeting. After the post and a session with John, into an all-day Byte Shop Review Meeting where the progress of sales and profits is good but not uniformly consistent from branch to branch. A decision to decline Gordon Coventry’s requests and insist on the line responsibilities of a normal Byte Shop was made which simplifies the way ahead. After the meeting to intervene in a row between June and Ian over the passage of information. A key executive had resigned yesterday and Ian had not been informed on his return this morning. Tonight to sift through outstanding matters and try to arrange priorities.

News today of the arrival at Greenham Common of the first cruise missile launchers and the continuing campaign of passive resistance from the women’s peace movement. The four zones of concentric fencing are vulnerable to sabotage and the government would not confirm in the House of Commons that guns would not be used to protect the bases. News from Grenada of the US invasion and with it suggestions that the Cubans were engaged in principally civilian work. Protests also today from Doctors over kidney operations deferred with deaths due to government economies, Milkmen over the permission to allow long-life milk imports and an independent report set up by the government calling for benefits for the retired and long term unemployed to be increased to prevent deterioration. All in all, the government are not making many friends at the moment!

The family are well and weather dry but chilly. Debbie has started back with rising fives.