Cold, chilly  and showery Comart Group management day with June, David, Geoff and John as we pursue trademarks, align commercial practise, dispose of obsolete lines and settle job reviews before home to be with Daniel all as Battle rages south of Beirut in the Lebanon

A cool and showery day that brightened later on but remained chilly. Now that I have brought the Barometer in from the boat, I can again see the pressure has recently risen to 1015, and the skies are clear tonight. Early to the office and to complete the filing and plans for a trademark initiative. Then to brief June on her return from holiday in the latest personnel developments and workload – a grand mess of company car accidents and incidents, and good number of promotions, reviews and the odd dismissal to administer. Then a meeting at 9am with David Fear to discuss many matters of cooperation with marketing. I feel that John and David are drifting apart on interpretation of our commercial decisions into practice.

A morning's work scanning the mail, clearing work and delegating then time with John on a trademark and trading – style strategy, taking a call from Geoff Lynch and resolving to use “Xitan” for that subsidiary as a mark above all other. A fifteen minute lunch of sandwiches and Spanish Nougat (present from June’s Holiday) then a two hour meeting with John and David resolving Wyse Marketing, Communicator product strategy and tactics on Tecmar and Cromemco stock disposal. Late afternoon, checking the minutes of the three review meetings of last week, two job offers and signing correspondence for the post. Lastly a review with Carlton Rowe who I find takes suggestions well and has already summed up his staff’s ability and limitation.

Home by 7.00pm and before dusk to assist Daniel with putting the ducks away and completing his homework.

News today of further shelling and fighting by artillery in Lebanon. The U.S. positions near the airport under fire, Lebanese jets in action against the Syrian and Druze and there seems much concern about Sek Elgano which controls the access to Beirut from the south. Comments from Mrs Thatcher on her visit to Holland that Britain intends to stay in Beirut. The opening of the Liberal conference with no doubt on my part that ‘Boy David’ will carry the week.