Sellafield B30 pond fully loaded with fuel rods and still leaking after the 1957 Winscale disaster
Sellafield B30 pond fully loaded with fuel rods and still leaking after the 1957 Winscale disaster

A poor start to the day with soreness in urinating and a back ache (probably infected kidney/s) which necessitated phoning the doctor and getting some antibiotics which meant I was unable to join Diana for Daniel’s parents’ evening but still read to Debbie and supervised Daniel’s homework as mass murder of black demonstrators takes place in the South African township of Alexandria and another radio-active leak takes place at Sellafield nuclear reprocessing plant. Now the teachers have voted to strike but petrol drops 3p as crude oil prices continue to collapse

A poor night and start to the day, as a dull back ache refused to be eased and every attempt to urinate was met with a sharp soreness that spread outwards from my poor body. The morning laying in bed, struggling to keep warm and stay comfortable. The problem is that the hot water bottles are first of all too hot to touch without getting chilblains and then eventually too cold to be of any use; for the room was still cold after another frosty night and day time temperatures that have yet to melt the snow. Di was shopping for most of the morning, but when she came back I got her to phone the Doctor, as medication was obviously essential. He agreed to leave a prescription for antibiotics out at 2.00pm and Diana went back later to pick it up.

Lunch of tomato soup and later tea of oxtail soup! This afternoon, Di had Linda to visit with her two children, Holly and Emma and, unhappily, they kept running about screaming and generally disturbing me. I have to chase Di out to tend the ducks and doves, but by now the antibiotics are beginning to work and alleviate the symptoms a little. When Daniel came in, I made him change and write out the list of Masters and subjects for this evening’s parents session at school, for Diana now has to go on her own. Debbie also had to clear up the toys from today’s visitors before she bathed and was read a story. Dan had to do his prep to my standards and is still in the doghouse until we decide on his punishment. News tonight of unrest in Alexandra in South Africa, as the black township was encircled by police and troops, but despite reporting restrictions, 17 are reported dead and the total could be 80+. Residents met and asked for police and troop withdrawal, but were not allowed to march on the local police station. Another radioactive leak from the Sellafield nuclear reprocessing plant today and the second this month/third this year. The Irish Republic are up in arms and there will be more protests from environmental groups. This time a pipe was broken. A report today by the CAA revealed widespread cracking of old 747 jumbo jet nose sections, but the aircraft was still pronounced completely safe. The NUT, the biggest teachers union, has voted 3 to 1 in favour of more strikes and the government and NAS criticise them harshly for it. Petrol prices are down 3p, but still have a way to fall to satisfy motoring organisations, who point to the collapse of crude oil prices.