Daniel in Castle Donnington
Daniel in Castle Donnington

Some more work on The Lady before my surveyor, David Stokes, arrives to conclude that Aldridge and Cooper, my builders, have just about finished the house and then Daniel’s and Debbie’s friends all come round to swim on a very hot day. This before Daniel and I get ready and leave for Scotland, staying at Castle Donnington overnight.


Another slight lay in, with only Debbie due at school today and then up to a breakfast of wheat flakes once again. Out to the doves and managed to check both pairs of squabs whilst their parents were feeding and replaced their rings. A misty start to the day and so smoothed down yesterday’s varnish on The Lady and dried the moisture off, so as to be ready later this morning for the next coats. Managed to get the first coat on before 10.00am and so had time for coffee before my architect, David Stokes, arrived.

A long survey of the house and the building work, where we concluded that most of the work had been done, with only a few small items left. Then we discussed the final account and eliminated certain of the more contentions items. My verdict on the builders, Aldridge and Cooper, is that they are all right and low cost, provided they are watched closely for quality and all additional items catered for with a watertight approvals policy. Out after to let the ducks out and feed the doves again and then, Di being late back from St Neots, I had time to put on the last coat of varnish (for now) on The Lady’s port side. The mist was clearing by now and the sun was really piercingly hot when it came out from behind the clouds and quite warm, even when behind them. Lunch of salad rolls, that Daniel’s friend Gary joined us for and then we all went swimming in the afternoon. Deb’s friends Amy, Briana, Emma and Holly all joined in and Linda came along to paddle as well. I had to clear up The Lady after, which was a long and arduous job with the temperature up near the 80s again. All the paint brushes to clean, rubbish to throw away, and residual materials to salvage for later. Then, after swimming, we had to lower the sliding roof down off of its props and turn The Lady round and secure it soundly. It is now ready for the cleaner to have a go at it during the week. A rather hectic and frenetic session getting Daniel and I ready to leave for our visit to Scotland, particularly as the girls decided to play up and hurt their heads in an accident during the process! Eventually packed, ready, and with final instructions exchanged, we leave in the Jaguar for Castle Donnington. We were late leaving and also had to fill with air for our tyres and petrol on the way, but we made good time through the Melton Mowbray route, to arrive at the Castle Donnington Hotel at 8.15pm. We checked into room 17 (with twin beds and a bathroom) and then went downstairs for dinner. In the bar were a coach party of American motor racing enthusiasts, who were obviously over for Sunday’s British Grand Prix at Brands Hatch before coming up to the Motor Racing Exhibition at Donnington. Soon in to the peace of the dining room, where Daniel had his fried scampi favourite and I had a nice roast duck. Soon to bed, but rather late for Daniel at 9.45. No opportunity to see the news tonight, but undoubtedly concerned with the latest S A and Commonwealth Games events. The two S African born English team members being banned does not seem to be enough to satisfy the African nations. Now a gesture is needed from Thatcher to save the games and perhaps the Commonwealth itself, as there soon be resignations from both.