Debbie at Offord FitzFarm riding school
Debbie at Offord FitzFarm riding school

Adjusting sticking doors on a very chilly morning and then rushing off to the St Neots auction to buy trays of cheap bedding plants where Nigel joined me to do the same; and then back to take Debbie riding at Offord and on to Hail Weston House to see some interesting historical records and be given an antique table cloth! A struggle with Daniel on his schoolwork and then to watch TV with Di and learn that electricity prices are being reduced, the Hippies now have to leave the New Forest and the US agree a huge deal with Saudi Arabia but Archbishop Tutu will not obey the South African ban on demonstrations tomorrow!

A more settled start to the day, but still awake tired from my lack of sleep earlier in the week. Still, showered, shaved and dressed in time for breakfast and in time to get Debbie to clear up her room again! Then out to the birds on a very chilly morning, with the cool breeze making the 52degF seem even colder. At least it was dry and Pete was here early, continuing the mowing of the lawns, for the second time this week the weather being so damp and discouraging. Afterwards, I brought in my tools and tackled the doors that had been jamming badly. I managed to do those in the kitchen and pool room and adjust the catch on the back door, before Di reminded me that the flower auction would be starting at 12.00 noon.

I rushed off, but the proceedings took a very long time and they only got out of the smaller produce room, into the hall, a couple of hours later. By 2.30pm to 3.00pm, I was successfully bidding for many trays of bedding plants (40 for £1 per tray!) when I was surprised to see Nigel Smith, who had come to see me and been sent on to the auction. Impressed by the opportunity, he also bid for even more lots than me for Hail Weston House. Home together at 4.00pm and to take Debbie on to Offord Riding School. A happy introduction, as the Smith family were looking for a school closer to home. Then on to Shaws to pay for and collect our lots, before over to Nigel’s house to see an interesting collection of heritage records on the House’s original building and occupation. He also gave me an antique table cloth date marked from the house linen which he has come across. Home to a late tea and Di was very pleased with my purchases. Then a harrowing hour or two with Daniel’s schoolwork and to Debbie to kiss her goodnight and tuck her in. The end of day routine, but I watched an appalling US business melodrama on the TV with Di before the TV news. Several stories making the headlines, but an unusual one was the decision of the Electricity Council to cut electricity prices by 3 ½ % for domestic consumers and 5 to 8% for industry, due to lower fuel prices. The Hippies have been hit by another High Court injunction and must now leave the New Forest in a few days (7 actually). The US Senate have approved a $265 million arms sale to Saudi Arabia, as they failed by 1 vote to get the 2/3rds majority necessary to veto Reagans plan. South Africa have been reported as having attacked Angola again and Archbishop Tutu has announced his intention to ignore the Soweto protest ban and so more conflict is now on the cards. British Home Stores are withdrawing the food retailing side of the business, with the loss of 2000 jobs. A cold 8degC night is forecast, with temperatures of only 11degC tomorrow