Had some success canvassing with Derek Giles and Chris Colbert and managed to get some support and poster sites in good positions.
Had some success canvassing with Derek Giles and Chris Colbert and managed to get some support and poster sites in good positions.

After a peaceful start to the day, an increasingly tense campaign of election problems with Jim Whitehead’s complaint and Tony Carmedy’ s issues but then out for some successful canvassing and off to collect and install 20 more poster boards for Eaton Soon before an evening’s rest.

 I was awake quite early this morning and so went to get Diana her early morning cup of coffee which I took to her in bed. I got showered and dressed and then used the available time before breakfast to tend my fish, birds and plants. Percy and Pat Meyer came by to run over the letter in response to Cllr Jim Whitehead's complaint and I also got Michael to join us to decide what we should do. We took my route of a conciliatory letter and then completed its typing with me getting more and more anxious about the time. I was expecting Tricia to come by, but she was late, and I had to leave without seeing her. Had some success canvassing with Derek Giles and Chris Colbert and managed to get some support and poster sites in good positions.

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Also managed to go round and see Tony Carmedy at his home and collected some canvas sheets that had got lost. I think that he has been suffering from nervous tension over his business problems and that the stress of canvasing was too much. Home for lunch and then over to Harston to collect another 20 poster boards before taking them and getting them made up at Derek's house. Home for tea and then this evening trying to make telephone calls and chase up the computer data and programmes for monitoring our campaign. I got rather tired and anxious at the end of a busy day and so broke off to sit in front of the late TV and watch US golf whilst typing up today's journal.