My GSP puppy Sam gradually becoming more manageable
My GSP puppy Sam gradually becoming more manageable

Managing Sam in Norfolk, dropping Doris Vincent off to the station and driving to Smallborough to see the Dunham’s and chatting a while about planning permissions.

A cheap hair cut in Wroxham and then to Latham’s in Potter Heigham shopping before back to receive Jack to give him a key. Then to collect my new curtains and fit them and put up an alarm sounder box. The day had been quite cold but bright and so I managed to get out on The Jolly with Sam to give him his second trip out.

The world news is too depressing with wars, rapes and atrocities and the home news not much better with an old lady beaten up and murdered by an intruder on the eve of her 100th birthday

Sam woke me up around 6.00am with a couple of whimpers but then went back to his basket without intervention. He next awoke around 7.20am but even then, I just shone a torch in the kennel, told him to go back to his basket and he willingly obliged until I was ready to feed him around 8.15am. This represents a deal of progress as I am now starting to get the sleep that I need and can prevent him from ruling the roost and disturbing the neighbours. I had to do quite a few chores this morning and made a list so as not to forget any of them. I first got Sam fed and ready to get into the car so that I could take Mrs Vincent to Wroxham station to catch a train for a few days in London. She was still fussing over the recent break-in but has calmed down somewhat.

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Then on to Smallborough to see James and Bernice Dunham to get his signature on the R.H.D.R.A. bank mandate before they left for time away this Christmas. Whilst there, we discussed getting together next week when James wants to talk to me at length about how I got my planning consent, and we can show them what we have achieved at Harnser. I next drove to see Stalham Joinery where I ordered another staircase ball and left one as a pattern. Then into Stalham itself where I got a haircut at the "cheapie" barbers. He is quite a wit and gives no visitor any peace. In my case he asked if I had an appointment and when I replied "no" he said "that was just as well as they did not have appointments!" This is what you must put up with for getting your hair cut for £3.

I bought a nice marrow bone from the pet shop next door for Sam to keep him occupied in the car. Next to Potter Heigham where I got another four packets of plastic bags and another work shirt from Latham’s and had a cup of coffee and a scone for a break. Then back after which Sam had been in the car for well over two hours and had not once complained or tried to get out of the back into the seats. I had the rest of the ham in sandwiches for lunch and some mince pies to follow and then, this afternoon after exercising the dog and receiving Jack to whom I gave a key, I did a little work on the alarm system; putting up the sounder box so at least it looks as if we are protected by an alarm even if the rest of it is not wired up yet.

The curtains were ready by this evening and so I went and collected them after tea and then put them up roughly. They look really nice and provide the finishing touch to this fine building. The day had been quite cold but bright and so I managed to get out on The Jolly with Sam to give him his second trip out. This was a very long one and, though nervous of getting in and out, he is quite relaxed in his basket once aboard. The world news is too depressing with wars, rapes and atrocities and the home news not much better with an old lady beaten up and murdered by an intruder on the eve of her 100th birthday. I do not blame myself for not listening too much.