The Forss Bridge Hotel
The Forss Bridge Hotel

The drive to Caithness with Nigel in the pouring rain and within 13 hours were pulling into Ian MacGregor's drive at The Forss Bridge Hotel to hear of him and friends having been paying Alan ten pounds a day for my White Lock boat, and catching many fish including a two-pounder!

I was up, ready and waiting for Nigel outside The Hayling View at 7.00am as planned but he was a bit late and, even then, had forgotten his shaving kit and so it was after 7.30am before we had got under way from Hail Weston. The weather was fine when we left but then the heavens opened and most of the journey was conducted in torrential rain. Even so, and after stopping three times for breakfast, lunch and tea, we made good time and within 13 hours were pulling in to Ian MacGregor's drive at The Forss Bridge Hotel. We had debated about which hotel to stay at whilst we drove up but then I telephoned Ian and he was able to accommodate us a day earlier. We were even in time for dinner and drinks during which time we met three salmon fishers who were "time-share" owners of this week on the River Forss and come at the same time every year.

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The pity is that there are no salmon in the river at all at the moment and, to make things worse, the river is in spate again. Talking to McGregor, he is interested in taking over The White Loch with two others, stocking it with more young Brown Trout, and looking after it for us. It seems he has been fishing it regularly this year, paying Alan ten pounds a day for the boat, and caught many fish including a two-pounder. I wondered why Alan is taking money for it and also whether he was still working for Fountain Forestry. To bed after 11.00pm, tired after the days' journey. I showed Nigel my new gun this evening and he thinks that it is a very good choice and acquisition.