News of Michael Jackson being investigated for child abuse
News of Michael Jackson being investigated for child abuse

Leaving Horning on a cold and showery today for our boating holiday until weather brightened up for a while and so I turned into Salhouse Broad and secured a good mooring by the staithe in the sunshine.

We then cruised on to stop for the night at Stokesby. The fine drizzle increased and then it then came on to rain properly and we took to our boat for the night.

News of Michael Jackson being investigated for child abuse which, whether it be true or not, still means that I think that he cuts a very pathetic figure with his makeup and cross-dressing.

The weather continued cold and showery today, but there was hope of better weather to come and so we pursued our plans of setting off on the boat. All of the work had been done the day before and so, after I had taken the dog for a walk and once the girls had completed their ablutions, I unmoored, edged out and let the "crew" get on with tidying the boat whilst I set off. Della was first to the helm and I was able to fly the pennants and red ensign and clear up the decks as she did.

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The weather brightened up for a while and so I turned into Salhouse Broad and secured a good mooring by the staithe in the sunshine. After walking the dog whilst the girls played in the play-area, we had lunch in the pub and then set off again. Strange how there are no waste bins there. Talking to the information centre and the shop, it seems to me that keeping the skip hidden in the bushes means that past waste bins have been overwhelmed with boat rubbish so they have reached a very unsatisfactory compromise that left no place to put rubbish when the skip was off being emptied as it was today!

Cruised on to stop for the night at Stokesby and, after Diana had made the tea and I helped to clear up, we had a very nice walk across country with Sam and then sat on the bench whilst the girls played on the play equipment. The fine drizzle increased and then it then came on to rain properly and we took to our boat for the night. News of Michael Jackson being investigated for child abuse which, whether it be true or not, still means that I think that he cuts a very pathetic figure with his makeup and cross-dressing.